Part 3

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Draco's POV

"Son do not put words into Albus's mouth" I said "I'm not alright I know I am not Albus surely feel the same way as me as I know that mate isn't a fkin coward" Scorpius defended himself "that was too harsh son! Apologise to him this instant" I demanded "Mr Malfoy ur son is right I'm not a fkin coward so I'm going to confess I can't live without seeing one of my best mates nearly considered as my brother" Albus interfered "this isn't possible this can't be possible" I said "yes it is possible dad very possible as this is fkin life dad you two can't possibly keep us in a cage forever that's being a manipulative parent , dad in specific" Scorpius said "Scorpius , my dear you don't mean that" Ginny said "oh yes I fkin do Weasley I'm sick of my father keeping me in a bloody goddamn cage and constantly controlling me and I'm pretty damn sure your son feels the same exact way I felt" Scorpius said "Scorpius easy with your words" Harry said

Ginny's POV

"Son pls tell me whatever Scorpius said is all not true" I said "what if it is mum? What would you do? Cuz I agreed to every single fkin word Scorpius had said I would also call you and dad , such manipulative parents I'm done staying in a goddamn cage mum" Albus said "Scorpius does Rose know that you're here?" I ask "Rose , Rose for fucks sake everything's about her can't you guys stop bugging me about her I know Rose and I are engaged and married but I am sick of her I need some space from our marriage I don't love her anymore there's somebody else I can feel it in my bones" Scorpius said "are you suggesting on a divorce?" Draco ask "yes dad of course I'm suggesting a divorce I don't love her anymore not even one bit" Scorpius said

Albus's POV

"There's someone else? Who is she do I know her does your dad know her?" I ask Scorpius said "I don't know but one thing that I'm certain is that it's not a she" Scorpius said "it's a he who would you fall for , someone who is a guy?" Draco said "I now know who is it " Scorpius stopped before saying "its you Albus you're the somebody else" Scorpius continued his sentence "what? nah mate you're insane you're probably having a heavy-loaded brain you need some sleep let's head back" I said "no mate I'm not insane ever since our fathers separated the two of us I've missed ya madly and through that I've discovered that I've fallen for you that's why I couldn't loose sight of you" Scorpius said "Scorpius you have no idea what you're talking about Mr Malfoy take him home , take care of him he's probably stressed abt this whole situation" I said 

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