Chapter 1

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"Who can tell me what happened on June, 28th. 1914?" A voice asks while walking into the lecture hall. The room is full of students, but only a handful raises their hand, including me. "Yes, you... with the brown sweater and messy bun."

"The assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, which led to the first world war," I answered while playing with my pen. The man faces the blackboard and writes down the title of today's lesson: Different factors who led to WW1.

"Exactly. Good job," He smiles at me before looking around the class and introducing himself "My name is Professor Hiddleston. I teach History and a few courses in English literature here on this campus, so in case some of you study Shakespeare and the old English language, as well as history, you have to see me quite a few times a week."

"Could be worse," I hear my best friend giggle into my ear. I look over at her and give her a little grin before I turn back to the handsome man in front of us. Oh, it could definitely be way worse. He's wearing a classic suit that fits perfectly on his body, his bone structure seems absolutely unreal even from the last row and his hair looks incredibly soft and he has some amazing light eyes. I'm not sure if they are blue or green... From the first few minutes, I would say that I'm definitely not missing a day of University.

Hannah next to me seems to think the same. By the look on her face, I'm surprised she isn't drooling all over her papers. I chuckle a little to myself before looking back at Professor Hiddleston.

He is currently explaining the attack on Franz Ferdinand in more detail than what I gave as an answer earlier. I open my notebook and start to take notes as he speaks. Not gonna lie, it's pretty hard to concentrate on what he is saying. A quick look over the rows lets me realize that I'm not the only girl with this problem. Nearly everyone in this room seems a little mesmerized by him.

The lecture goes on and I keep trying my best to actually concentrate on his words. "For Wednesday I would like to give you a little task. Therefore I would need everyone's E-mail address. I'm passing a paper where everyone writes theirs down, ok?" He says as he rips out a paper from his notebook and hands it to the first person in the row.

After a while, the paper finally arrives in the last row. We write down our mail addresses as Professor Hiddleston ends today's lecture. "Did everyone put their e-mail on the paper?" He asks as most of the students have already gotten up. "I'll take that as a yes," he chuckles more to himself and starts putting his stuff away as well.

"Give me the paper!" Hannah says exited as she nearly rips it out of my hands. "Girl, calm down," I laugh and roll my eyes at her. She makes her way through the leaving students as I stay on top of the class waiting for her. She hands him the paper and the two start talking casually. How does this girl always do this? Don't get me wrong if I could I would too, but I'm way more reserved than her. It's not like I die when someone talks to me or that I'm all shy... no. It's more of a barrier in my head I have to break every single time I have to start a conversation. It's just hard for me to get to know new people... once I know do though. Lord help them.

"No, I don't, but Elena does," She says and makes me look over to them. "What do I do?" I ask a bit confused since I haven't listened to their whole conversation. Professor Hiddleston chuckles a little at the confused look on my face "I asked your friend if one of you is taking the Shakespeare class," he answers my question with a smile.

"Oh, yes. Yes, I do," I chuckle a little as the two start walking towards me. "Did you read Macbeth already? We are going to start with that tomorrow," Professor Hiddleston informs me.
I nod "Yes, actually we had to read it in school a couple of years ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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