10. Dripping

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Two days passed in a flash. Nothing remarkable happened and none of the crew members detected any signs of the alien virus in their respiratory systems. The ship's AI was steady as well, not alerting any troubles. Every time they had a meeting or Hongjoong met someone in the corridor, he couldn't help but count his friends and make sure he had seen everybody at least once in the past few hours.

But the peace remained, and Hongjoong forced himself to settle back into relaxation. Their theories of viruses, octopi and dangerous silence from San's sides leeched off their sleep with paranoia. As the days passed by, Hongjoong reminded himself that it had been an accident. And that the lack of evidence around the ship supported that claim. Any other solution was unsafe to think about in their narrow confinements.

They were less than two weeks away from entering uncharted territory. As they held their breakfast briefing with the painfully empty place at Wooyoung's side, some excitement returned to Hongjoong for being so near.

The trick out of their shock and grief was working. As long as everybody did their tasks, they had no time to be unsettled and search around for tentacles slithering through the shadows. For Hongjoong, it worked perfectly well. His logs got longer, the precision with which he studied their surroundings higher. Whenever there was too much time, he spent time with Seonghwa and they distracted each other with adoring affection that reminded both of them they were not alone and everything was well.

On Friday the next week, they found themselves once more gathered in the gardens. Hongjoong helped Yeosang break down a larger branch that had broken off their apple tree from the weight it carried. While Yunho fixed the tree's wound with gentle coos, Mingi watched the dandelions grow into the asteroid material.

Wooyoung sat on the grass further off the rest, detached from the world.

"I can't find Lancelot, I'm super disappointed," Seonghwa complained towards Yunho. The other man's snicker had Hongjoong smile, too.

"Maybe he took off to find a new home. To be very honest, that fir really sucks."

When Hongjoong glanced at Yeosang's face, he found him pensive. The frown that marred his forehead seemed etched into it by now.

"What are you thinking about?" Hongjoong inquired low enough that only the two of them could hear. Between them, they manually cut down the branch.

They absolutely didn't have to do that themselves, but the crew quite enjoyed physical labour at times. It kept them fit and in good spirits.

"Lancelot. The bugs inside this garden are the only other life form on the ship apart from us. Since they have their habitat, they can strive and live just fine."

Hongjoong inclined his head as he followed the train of thought.

"Is this about your octopus theory again?"

Yeosang nodded slowly. The grimace on his face was apologising.

"I know I keep bringing it up, but I just can't let go of that idea. Maybe I read too many books."

"We have no other way of knowing. Tell me what you think," Hongjoong indulged him. His patience brought a thankful smile to Yeosang's face. As he sat down to get more comfortable, Hongjoong copied him.

"So, I was thinking, the bugs are never around outside because we keep them here and this is where they have what they need. But they could leave anytime we open the doors. San had a moth in his room before."

None of them flinched at the mention. Hongjoong nodded gravely.

"If it were an alien creature, it would need its habitat to stay and feel comfortable in. Assuming tentacles, I usually think about water."

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