Part 1

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There was a sizable line at the autograph booths for the Tolkien actors as the day was dwindling down at the fantasy convention. Richard's hand was getting sore but he knew he could at least power through the rest of the line for the day. Saturdays were always the busiest and he could see Lee at the table next to him bringing his hand under the table to massage his aching wrist. Lee caught his eye and with a small nod conveyed the desperate desire to have a drink once they're off the clock. The fans were very nice and one by one the line disappeared and the actors were standing up and being escorted out.
"Hold on, Mr. Armitage," a volunteer said, "we got one more for you. She was in the cosplay showcase and well… you just gotta see her! Just give her a minute, she's walking from the stage area."
Richard gave a wave to Lee and Dean as they were led out through a back hallway to take a much needed break before their meet up later. Richard smiled at the volunteer and sat back down in the slightly less than comfortable folding chair provided by the event hall. It was always nice to meet fans at these events but what Richard really looked forward to was spending time with his friends from the cast and catching up with them during downtime. Richard reached down for his water bottle and began taking a few long gulps from the still icy water when the volunteer rounded the corner again.
 "Alright this is her. Richard, meet Y/N!" announced the volunteer. 
In shock, Richard spurted out half a mouthful of water on the floor upon seeing the cosplayer before him. 
She he said, right? Her?
What he expected to be a woman in a feminine costume was actually you dressed exactly like Thorin Oakenshield with full on wig, fake beard, and even some prosthetics to complete the illusion. Richard was wiping his mouth with his eyes wide in surprise as your undeniably feminine voice broke the nearly perfect character.
"It's very nice to meet you! I'm such a big fan! Sorry to have shown up so late!"
Richard cleared his throat and you could sense the amusement in his voice as he spoke.
"It's quite alright and I must say it was worth the wait! That's incredible! You look just like me, just a bit more proper sized for the part."
Richard chuckled as he stood up next to you, looming over you by a whole foot in height. 
"Please," Richard pulled out his phone and handed it to the volunteer, "I'd love to have a photo with her!"
You beamed with pride at this, Richard Armitage actually likes your cosplay you worked so hard to build! All the endless nights sewing, making armor scales one by one, building your boot caps, the wig, the itch of the faux beard. It was all worth it and more! The volunteer snapped a photo of you two as his walkie went off announcing that the car for Mr. Armitage had arrived.
"Please ask the driver for a moment more, I have one more autograph to sign," Richard said as he grabbed a promotional Hobbit photo from the table and signed it out to your name.
"I just wish we had a little more time to chat. I bet the other fans would have loved seeing us together," Richard gave a sad smile knowing he had to leave such a talented cosplayer without the usual few minutes allowed per interaction of fans.
"You know, I'll still be in town through the remainder of the weekend. Maybe we can talk again before it's over" you said trying to cover the disappointment in your voice, "and I swear, I look nothing like this-er-you out of costume!"
Richard smiled at you. There was something in the sound of your voice that was … alluring? Or that faint feminine perfume that wafted up when he was standing beside you? He wasn't sure as the mini-me visual was throwing him off.
"There's a bar in the hotel lobby at the end of the block," Richard started "if you'd like, I could put your name on the VIP lounge list and you could bring a couple friends to keep you company."
A smile spread across your face and you could feel the spirit gum holding your beard on crack a little from the tension. 
"I'll bet you a drink that you won't recognize me when I walk in," you smiled.
"I'll take that wager," Richard replied. 
Richard waved to you as he was escorted down the private hallway and the volunteer took your name.

Richard was put into a private vehicle and driven down the road to the hotel where all his friends were also booked at. He closed his eyes and tried to commit your voice to memory- in order to win the bet, right? Even though you were dressed like a male dwarf, there was an air of femininity that stirred curiosity of who you really were. Once arrived, Richard went up to his room to wash up and order some room service before their evening meeting time at the bar. He text the photo of your cosplay and himself to Martin Freeman who was not in attendance as he was working on another project. 
Martin: Holy hell, he's like a lifesize replica!
Richard: She definitely is!
Martin: That's a woman!? Does she look like you normally?
Richard: I don't think so. She is actually meeting me at the bar tonight. 
Martin: Ah yes, let's all invite our cosplay doppelgangers out for a round! 
Richard: Our meeting was cut short, I wanted to get a chance to speak with her for at least a few minutes. 
Martin: Are you sure this isn't some creepy narcissistic self infatuation?
Richard: Arse.
Richard chuckled at his text conversation with Martin. Just wait until Dean and Lee get a look at this photo. It wasn't like him to be this intrigued by a fan. Richard closed his eyes and tried to remember the scent you wore. 

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