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It wasn't until about 9pm that Richard allowed himself to arrive at the bar. 
Nervous? No, why would I be? But why am I anticipating this?
He took a seat right next to Lee with Dean one seat further. The pair were already a good ways into their first drink when Richard explained the situation of your bargain to them. 
"You're serious about this!" Lee exclaimed in amusement as he pulled Richard's phone closer to his face, "Rich, you've got to be in love with yourself!"
"But she said she doesn't look like you?" Dean injected. "Do you think she's gonna be cute?" 
Dean was playfully nudging Lee who was sarcastically rolling his eyes. 
"Do you really think I'm that type of bloke?" Richard said in a jokingly offended manner.
Of course he isn't! Starry-eyed fans have often tried to find their way into Richard's bed but have been kindly shot down. It was all joking and good fun amongst friends which helped to calm the tingle of anticipation every time another woman walked through the door.
Could this be her?
He kept thinking yet quickly dismissing each potential you in mere moments as they walked off to join the mingling crowds. Richard had already polished off his first shot and was halfway done with his beer when he let his guard down. Falling into conversation with Lee and Dean, Richard had his back turned toward the door as the doorman was checking the ID of a lone woman in her early 30s. 
The trio was chuckling about some fond memories that tended to include someone tripping over a piece of scenery when Richard saw a smallish silhouette approach the bar from his peripheral.  
"Can I get a shot of whatever they've downed?" Said a feminine voice belonging to the woman in the corner of Richard's eye.
Wait, what did she sound like again? 
The bustle of bar patrons and music covered the slight memories he's had of your brief first encounter. His heart started to beat a little faster as he inhaled slowly through his nose.
That's it!
The scent was unmistakable and more fragrant than the perfume he smelled while you two were posing together. Richard turned and was looking at a beautiful woman wearing a form-fitting red dress with shoes to match and black lace stockings. Above her feminine figure was a black velvet ribbon tied as a choker. She was lightly biting her bottom lip in a coy manner as her eyes were clearly trying not to look at Richard. 
"You're Y/N?" Richard said intentionally as a statement that he'd won but couldn't hide his bewilderment at the drastic change you had undergone.
"Am I that obvious?" You laughed. 
Lee and Dean both leaned around Richard and gave equally awed statements and were quick to introduce themselves. The bartender just set down your drink and you motioned him to fill the lingering 3 glasses. 
"Why are you smiling?"
Your question snapped Richard out of his trance of taking the sight of you in. 
"It's just a bit shocking- but in a pleasant way," Richard corrected himself. 
He could feel his hand tapping the shot glass in a nervous fashion before knocking it back with the others as Dean toasted to something he didn't quite catch as he was still distracted by you. 
Thanks to Lee and Dean conversation soon ignited and you all were sharing stories of getting an accidental mouthful of fur or wig hair while turning too quickly in costume. Dean offered some silly backstage stories about their time together until their attention was pulled away to wander the dance floor for another friend they were trying to meet, leaving you and Richard sitting side by side at the bar. 
"You came by yourself?" Richard asked with perfectly concealed nervousness, thank you acting skills!
"I am rooming with a couple and they had romantic reservations at the restaurant next door," you said with downcast eyes, "when we first planned this trip my ex was still in the picture so you could say this is me getting back out there."
So she is single! Wait, why is that impor- No, snap out of it.
The slight shift of your posture made Richard want to put a comforting arm across your shoulders. He wanted to silence that forlorn tone in your voice by pressing a kiss to your lips; but he couldn't. That'd be much too forward and with a fan no less! No matter how much Richard reasoned with himself there was something that drew him to want to dive deep into your soul to see what secrets and wonders you had to show him. He turned in his seat to focus fully on you. This position had his long legs barely touch your knee with his own and you didn't pull back. Richard could feel a warm tingle on the spot that trailed its way up between his legs. Good thing bars are notorious for dimmed lighting. 
"Their loss. I'm sure you are a wonderful woman."
Richard and yourself then began discussing your hobbies, interests, favorite foods, and just generally getting to know one another for the better part of an hour. 
"Might I borrow this strapping young man," Lee interrupted at a convenient break in conversation, "I just got an acquaintance who'd love a quick photo to send to their daughter." 
You smiled and waved your company off as you asked for another drink from the bartender. 
It took nearly 5 minutes for Richard to get through the photo and made his way back to the bar where you waites. As he got you in sight, Richard could see you were shaking your head at a slick guy in red pants in a 'no thank you' manner right before turning to look at him approaching. Your face lit up with a beautiful smile that made his heart skip a beat but another movement caught his eye. Richard saw red pants make a swift hand gesture above your drink before hurriedly disappearing into the crowd. Worry caused Richard to take a few quick and long strides to reach you before you took a sip of the now suspicions drink. His large hand gently came between your mouth and the glass just in time.
"Don't drink that." He said in a low clear voice. 
"Why, what's wrong?" You questioned as your smile faded.
You brought the glass to your eye and saw a small pill broken into two halves. A small gasp escaped your lips as you both looked around for red pants. The offender was nowhere to be seen. 
"Come with me," Richard said as he grabbed you by the hand and led you to the bouncer. 
Your hand was so small in his and Richard had to consciously be gentle as to ensure not to hurt you. He didn't want to leave you alone as he reported the suspicious guy to the bouncer. Within a few minutes, security had turned on the lights and caught the man, sadly resulting in the bar shutting down early at 20 past midnight. 
The patrons were filing out of the hotel lobby and hailing every cab in sight as they were carted into the night. Richard sighed as he felt that destiny was against him spending more time with this oddly enchanting woman. 

The Cosplayer: Richard Armitage/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now