[1] Entrance Exam Results

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[Yaoyorozu Manor, A Week before UA]

Momo was conflicted.

In one end, she was ecstatic! She took the exam like a champ, the Written and Interview part of the exam were a breeze to pass and she was sure she got a hundred in terms of points earned from it. She knows she was one step close to her childhood dream!

Then on the other end she was terrified. She still remembers it clear as day. She knew she wouldn't do so well in the Practical side of things but she still went in with her usual determination. But it all slowly chipped away when the test introduced an Obstacle Course, then after that a Tournament, she knew she was failing misserably.

But hey!... at least she got to showcase her way around knives and swords during the tournament! And she also snagged sixth place so that means something right??

She wasn't really sure.

"My Lady?"

Her pen stopped writing and she perked up at the muffled call.

She places down her pen and closes her diary. "Come in!"

Her maid bows her head respectfully, "The bath is ready."

"Thank you, Aisha." She said, "Were there any mail recieved from the past hour?"

"None as of yet. Do not fret, My Lady for the maids and butlers are well aware of your exam results ariving today. As soon as the letter arrived, we will inform you right away."

She smiles gratefuly.

Aisha steps to the side as she motions the Young Mistress to the connected bathroom where the huge tub was filled up just about enough. She hands Momo a set of clothing for the day before leaving the Lady to her own devices.

Momo sets the clothes on a rack and began to strip.

She sits on a stool and washes herself down. 'The water feels nice... I hope that's a good indication for what will happen today...' she thought as she pours another basin of water on her.

After a few wash downs, she then grabbed the nearby shampoo bottle, opening the cap and began soaping her hair. She made sure to wash every nook and cranny of her scalp, making sure everything up there was clean and pristine.

Another wash down and she was ready for her bath.

She carefully walked on the tiled floor and toward the container she kept her bath bombs.

Without even looking at the lables, Momo took the peach scented bathbomb with the thought of relaxation entering her mind. She dipped the bomb in the water and waited for the smell to reach her nose.

With a content sigh, she submerges herself in the tub.

'I should get back to studying Medieval Cannons...'


[3 days later...]

An adorable giggle leaves her lips as the cannonball reaches the dummy human with terrifying accuracy. The head was ripped off of its body and followed the cannonball's trajectory. "Well that worked out." Her smile tightened, "Only took 3 weeks and 4 days to actually get this things firing..."

She began removing her protective equipment with a sigh. She began with her gloves, carefully slipping them off then placing them gracefully at the tray presented to her.

Momo sat on one of the concrete seats with a huff then began to remove her face mask. A few maids came by and set aside her slippers to which she waved them away. "Please clean up the dummy and schedule a new one at 17:00. Bring the cannon to the garage."

"What about your Lunch, M'lady? The Mistress won't be happy if she finds out that you haven't eaten after your training." A butler voiced respectfully.

Momo stood from her seat and pats his shoulder as she passed him, "Bring my lunch at the garage as well. Are there burgers available in today's dish?"

"We can ask the chef to make you something."

"That would be lovely. Tell them I want a tripple decker with extra cheese please." A few maids rolled their eyes at her order, giggling amongst each other at how adorable the Young Miss is whenever she looks for her burgers.

Momo didn't mind them, she's used to their amusement by now. Back then, she would have blushed heavily and won't speak for a couple of minutes necause she was embarrassed of her own eating habbits but after being granted of the knowledge that her mother was quite the glutton, she didn't hold back in her appetite.

Momo gratefully accepted a clean towel and pats the sweat off her forehead. Not really wanting to hand it over, she swung it around her neck and entered the mansion.

She was immediately greeted by three maids she knew from the back of her hand.

The three tailed her, probably going to keep her company and assist in her workload later in the garage. They nod their heads at Momo respectfully and then began their usual chit-chat.

'Today feels refreshing' Momo thinks as she looks out the huge windows.


[A few hours later...]

"Letter from UA!"

An energetic butler entered the barrage, waving a letter with a familiar logo imprinted on the front.

Momo looked up from her Wiring Table. Her face broke into a huge smile when she saw the letter and ran up to the butler. She said her thanks before running of the room.

The butler and maids sighed seeing this.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Momo peeked back inside, a bashful blush gracing her cheeks. "Cancel all that was scheduled today and move them tomorrow..."

The servants nod while holding back their cooes and laughter. Their Young Miss is an adorable bean...
Momo threw the envelope to her bed and starts to change out of her jumpers and into something more comfortable.

She was walking while changing so it took quite a while before she was ready. She also changed the settings in her room to the right presets for her evening.

The light was now dim, she was in her most comfortable night gown, and she let her hair down. She was comfortable! Now time to open the letter.

She fished the letter from her bed and slowly walked toward her desk. Momo opened the desk lamp for the seriousness effect and sat down gracefully. She places the letter in the middle of the desk as she makes more space, now because she wanted it to have a dramatic effect.

She takes a breath, taking a lock of her own hair and place it behind her ear.

After a few seconds of staring, she finally grabbed the envelope and began opening it up ever so slowly.

A hologram of All Might appeared, momentarilly surprising Momo. 'All Might huh...? Is he a new teacher or did the School thought that it would be a good moral boost to have the number one hero tell you that you passed or not'

Momo listened carefully at how All Might described her performance in the Test. He described her as a witful individual. While she can organize a plan before hand, her intuition after that plan fails is 'terrifyingly accurate'. He told her how she would be an amazing hero someday, and that he's glad to have her on their side.

'The one who wrote his script is cunning. I can't seem to read the intention behind this...' she thought distantly, 'Should I brush up on my Business Poker Face?'

All Might's spiel continued on for a couple of moments or two.

"Yaoyorozu Momo. I congratulate you for you have been accepted to UA!!" He claps on his own, his laughter filling Momo's spacious room. "Congratulations!" He said finally before disapearing with a blink.

'Looks like I completed step number 15'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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