Chapter 8.

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We walk to lunch hand in hand, hiding wasn't a problem now that Chuck knew. Some way now it would get out.


I can feel the eyes trained on my back or on our hands. I stare down at the floor, at his feet and try to stay walking forward. The line was nonexistent because everyone had stopped in their tracks until Thomas shouted "Lunch! Everyone get in line now!" I give him a thankful sigh and grab a plate full of bacon and eggs. Sitting down Thomas, Mihno and Chuck join us but Newt sits away from us silently eating.

"What's his problem?" Gally mouths to Thomas. Not bothering from being gentle, "He doesn't like the fact that you two are a, thing. He thinks Ivy is like an untouchable or something, like you are a massive part of this entire thing."

"Well who knows" I start jokingly, "What if I am a massive part of everyone's entire existence here".

Gally whips his head round, face serious. "Ivy, seriously? We don't have a clue why your here, what if this IS messing everything up?"

With my eyes welling up, I shove the bench back knocking Gally and Chuck off the bench. "Well maybe it is!" I start charging towards the medjack hut, with tears streaming down my dampening face. Shoving myself in through the door and under my covers I lay weeping into the mattress.

I hear the door close and footsteps the footsteps disappear into the glade, I guess Clint has left me in piece. But shortly after I hear the door again, "Go away Clint".

"Ivy it's me..." A low voice says trailing away.

It's Gally.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say in an angry, sarcastic tone, "I didn't realise you still want to intrude on my personal life".

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