"Heya, Toots!" (SCM x Guy Business' sister reader)

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(For clarification, you are Guy Business' sister in this.)

3rd POV

You woke up on a beautiful Monday morning, feeling like complete shit because it was a Monday. You also felt like shit because today, you were starting your new "fun" job at your brother's cleaning company.

You stumbled out of your bedroom, and nearly ran into your bathroom door. You grabbed your brush, and began the fight against the wild knots. You winced as the brush roughly tugged on your hair.

As your hair slowly started to smooth out, you remembered that you had an odd dream before waking up this morning. You didn't remember much, but you were alone in a white space that seemed to go on for infinity. There were no walls, no doors, and there was no ground. It was just that: space.

You also heard an odd sound in the dream. The closest thing you could compare it to was the sound of a plunger, but you weren't exactly sure. All you knew is that the sound was echoing all around you.

Suddenly, a voice called out to you. It sounded like it was coming from somewhere, but nowhere at the same time. It was a man's voice, and all he said was:

"Look at me go!"

You shook you head, deciding that it was just another random dream that your brain had created for you, and that it didn't have any significance whatsoever.

Oh how wrong that assumption was.

You heard your phone go off, and you groaned as you heard the familiar ringtone. You grabbed your phone, and answered it. Almost immediately you heard the voice of your dear brother.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you excited to start working today?"

"Yeah, thanks again for giving me a job, big bro." You were honestly grateful, but you wished it was a more exciting job. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

"Of course. I have to watch out for my little sister after all." You grimaced at his words, but you didn't let them bother you too much.

"I'll be there in a little bit. See you there, Guy." You hung up the phone after saying "goodbye" to each other. You let out a soft sigh as you tossed your phone onto your bed.

You loved your brother. You really, really did, but Guy has always been very overprotective towards you. Even though you're only a couple of years younger than him, he treated you as if you were a child, and you were honestly sick of it.

Sure, you didn't have four degrees, and you weren't a billionaire, but that doesn't mean that you had to be coddled like a toddler.

You looked at one of your new outfits for work, and you frowned. It didn't look too comfortable, but what could you do? It was an office job. You can't wear whatever you wanted to.

Once you decided that you were finally ready to leave, you hopped in your car, and began driving towards the large glass tower in the city.

-time skip-

You stepped out of your car, and began walking towards the building that your brother owned. To your surprise, Guy was waiting outside for you with a welcoming smile on his me.

"Hey br-! I mean, hello, Mr. Business." You said in a joke-y tone. He let out a little laugh as he gestured towards the front door.

"Come on, I'll show you around." He said. Your eyes widened as you saw all of the fancy décor of the first floor. You definitely felt out of place, but you tried to ignore it.

Guy proceeded to show you around the different floors, and what their purposes were. With each floor, you felt more and more out of place. Though you felt a little better when other people working waved at you.

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