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2:00 AM.

That's what the clock displays in digital neon-green numbers.

Felix rubs his eyes as he slowly sits up on his bed. As he leans against the headboard, he blinks once, twice, three times and looks around. 

Then he hears what woke him up in the first place. 

The yelling.

He looks out his window at a bleak and dismal building across the street. Felix moved into his apartment quite a while ago, and the building had been abandoned for as long as he can remember. 

There isn't anything particularly strange about the structure. Aside from its pitch-black color and the abundance of crows that claim the roof, it's a pretty normal building.

Up until now. 

Never having heard shouts from the building before, Felix subconsciously slips off the bed. He goes towards the window to stand in front of it and realizes that his mind isn't playing games with him.

The noises from inside have grown constant, never faltering, never quieting down. 

Now wide awake, Felix stands there, debating what to do. He walks towards the apartment door and opens it, peeking his head out to check if anyone has woken up because of the noises outside. 

All doors are closed, and no soul is in sight.

And in a couple of minutes, Felix finds himself outside on the opposite side of the street, facing the abandoned building. 

He isn't sure what he's doing. What does he plan on accomplishing in the building in the middle of the night?

He should go back to sleep like everyone else. Not mind the muffled yelling.

But he's already out here, on the sidewalk during the cold night, staring up at the tall, desolate building.

Might as well.

Now, there are two alleyways on either side of the establishment. However, only one side of the building has a rather unstable entrance plastered against it.

Which is why after inspecting both sides, the boy ventures off to the left side, towards the lopsided wooden door.

Instead of a doorknob, which he's expecting, Felix is instead met with a medium-sized metal ring. He takes a deep breath and gives a gentle push to the door. 

It doesn't open.

How anti-climatic. 

I mean, what is he expecting? That the door would just magically be unlocked?

Felix exhales through his mouth, sending a puff of white fog through the air. As he takes a step back to head back to his apartment, he freezes.

He turns his head around to inspect the door once again. 

Why would you need a metal ring on a door if you're supposed to push it?

Felix reaches a hand out towards the door and takes the hoop in his hands. He gives it a gentle tug and to his surprise, it opens with a light creak.

The boy stares at the gap between the door and the building for a moment longer. 

Does he want to go inside?

What's he going to do if he does? 

There was screaming coming from inside the building. That's almost never good, so why decide to become Sherlock Holmes now and investigate at 2:00 AM?

And he's pretty sure this counts as trespassing. He should turn back and forget about all of this. It occurs to him that he could possibly die in here.

Felix pulls the door open further. 



Scary murderers brandishing lethal weapons?


Well, he definitely isn't expecting a hallway.

That's it.

Just a hallway. A very dimly-lit one. With yet another door at the end of it. 

As Felix slowly, carefully walks down the stoned hallway, he's half anticipating arrows coming out of the wall, rocks flying at his head, or even the floor completely crumbling from underneath him. 

You know, the basic boobytraps.

The yelling becomes more and more audible with every step Felix takes, and soon he reaches the second door. 

This one doesn't have a metal ring or even a doorknob. Instead, it has nothing. Just a large line running down the middle, indicating it was somewhat of a gate with double doors. 

Almost like something you would find in a castle. 

Felix just shrugs. He's too intrigued at this point to go back.

He places a hand on either side of the doors and pushes, using the same force he had used for the wooden one. 

It doesn't open.

How lovely. 

So what does Felix do?

He's done. He takes a step back and swivels around, walks out of the building, and back to his own apartment. He slips inside the covers of his bed, which somehow are still warm, and drifts off to sleep, ignoring the noises from outside.

You're wrong.

If that's what you think he does.

Instead, he braces his hands on the door once again before taking in a deep breath. He tries not to let his feet slip from underneath him as he pushes with all his might. 

His eyes widen as the door starts opening. 


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