Metal Trays, really?

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They searched every room they could before they heard a crash from down the corridor, The two looked at eachother before racing down it and around the corner, and there the Shank was, standing in a hospital Gown Throwing metals trays at one of the Guards.

"Where the hell are they?!" Newt shouted as A tray hit the guard

"Who?!" The guard shouted back, his hands up trying to deflect the Trays

"Tommy! Minho! Fry!" Newt yelled

"Newt!" Thomas shouted, making The blonde and The guard both turn towards them

"Tommy? Min?" Newt said as his arms dropped to his side and a big smile came across his face and he came to remind Thomas of A Puppy

"I-i thought WICKED-I thought WICKED took us?" He gasped as he slowly started limping towards the duo, which ofcourse then Speeded down the corridor and engulfed The Blonde in a bone crushing hug

"It's okay, we're okay now. We're finally safe, away from WICKED, for good this time." Thomas muttered against Newt's shoulder.

2 hours later

"Metal Trays, Really?" Brenda asked as Newt ate the last of his meal, they had been discussing what happened to eachother and eventually talked about why Newt was throwing Trays at the Guards

"Didn't really have anything else did I? It was Metal Trays or my bloody Pillow" Newt said which made the table laugh. They were finally Together again.
Thomas quite often thought about all the others, mostly the ones next to him but sometimes his mind would drift off To the People like Chuck, or Alby. The poeple that didn't make it, or the fact that Newt was so close to being added to that list.

"Stiles?" A voice said, ofcourse none of them looked up, it had been happening all day. Some guy would come and take kids for medical exams

"My god..." the same voice said, a little louder this time, no not louder, closer. Most, if not the whole table looked up at the man to see him staring directly at Thomas

"What?" Thomas said, as confused as everyone else, it almost gave him Deja vú, exept atleast when Teresa done it he actually said his name instead of a random guy saying a equally as random name standing waiting like a lost Puppy for Thomas to reply.

"When I read the name of Lists I thought it was just a weird coincidence, Stiles we thought you were dead!" The man said as he took a step closer to them, Minho's Chair squeaking when he suddenly stood up

"Look Man, we don't know who you are, or who this Stiles dude is. So I'm going to ask you once, and only once, to leave" he scowled at him

"Minho" Newt Whispered as he slowly stood up aswell

"Memories, Your names, You don't remember do you?" The man asked

"No we don't rem-"

"Wait you knew me Before the Maze?" Thomas interrupted Minho

"Yeah, you we're my Sons Bestfriend, Since You were toddlers actually. He hasn't stopped looking for You since you went missing"

"Missing? What-what do you mean Missing?" Newt asked

"Uh all I know is that you and Scott, My son, got into an argument about something, you drove home and Your car was found Crashed into a ditch at the other side of Town the next day." The guy said

"I need to call Scott, I'll be right back"

"What the hell" Minho said as Newt sighed and sat down

"Its okay, its fine we're gonna be alright" Thomas said as he sat down and ran his hand through his hair

"Tommy why are we trusting them? They could be apart of WCKD, who knows how far they'd go to get us back, to get you?!" Newt half shouted half whispered

"We don't really have any other choices, when we got out the helicopters I saw Fences, big Metal Gates. Newt we aren't getting out of here, especially since you're still not fully back to Normal" Thomas snapped back

"Okay, so Leave me. I can handle myself-" Newt got cut off

"Newt are you Crazy! We're not leaving you, forget it." Thomas interrupted

"Have it your way"

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