Vol 01 Ch 001: My Heart's Egg

193 4 6

Man: Hey you, your allowance was in there yesterday,  wasn't it?
Child: But... But.. I... This is for Child Champ...
Man2: Wasn't it?
Man: That's nice. Now...
Amu: I can't let that pass!
Man&Man2 turn around.
Man: Huh? Who is this girl...?
Man2: *Shocked* Wa... Wait a second, that's... HINAMORI AMU FROM SEIYO ELEMENTARY?
Man: Eh?
Man2: The rumored person who beat Sakura Elementary's Soccer Team by herself! It's her! Everyone at Kantou Elementary passed on games with her. I heard that not even the headmaster opposes her! THAT'S THE SPICY STUDENT FROM SEIYO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL THAT I'VE HEARD ABOUT!
Man: What's with this guy
Man2: *Shink* Is that Hinamori Amu-San ------?!
Amu: ........ So what? Where did you hear those rumours...?




           4TH YEAR STAR-GROUP

*Whisper* Hey did you see--- she stopped some bullies from taking a younger student's money! Hinamori-san is great, isn't she---
*Whisper* They say there's something different about her personality.
*Whisper* You can't get close to her.
*Whisper* The way she wears her uniform also makes her cool. Her mother writes a famous newspaper and her father is a very famous cameraman!
*Whisper* HEY----- Listen, listen, her boyfriend is an ultra-celebrity from year above us! He's an idol and he's from France!
Amu: They're making up rumours again...
*Whisper* Hinamori-san said "bonjour" and he said he loved her---
Actually, that's not who I am at all...
TV: "On your butts. Your guardian spirit is here!!"
Amu: Erk... *Drop fruit*
TV: "The Guardian spirit that will protect humanity is here.."
Amu: What? That phony old hag again?

Mother-Hinamori Midori-Monthly Publication Editor (and Housewife):
Saeki Nobuko-sensei is a gifted fortune teller, Amu-chan. Mama's magazine has done a special article on her three times.

Father-Hinamori Tsumugu-Famous Cameraman:
Look at papa's artistic masterpiece instead--- It's a close-up of Amu-chan doing exercises.

Amu: A writer and a cameraman. *Sigh*

Little sister- Ami- 3 years old:
Skawee---- Skawee monster~~~~

Mother: It's not "skawee," it's "scary," Ami-chan.

Ami: *Jumps on Amu and grabs Amu* BEAT THAT MONSTER BIG SISTER! Skawee!

Amu: That's a human, Amu. A monster..? No, a fortune teller is not a scary thing.

TV: I will always be behind you, watching you. I am a strong ally that will save you.

Amu: ...She really is an idiot.
TV: People who say stupid things will die. Should I congratulate you..?
Amu: ....
TV: I am talking to you.
Amu: *Shoked; starring at Saeki (fortune teller) in the TV*


Mother: Huh? Amu-Chan? Are you ok?
Amu: Fortune-telling is just something unlucky people cling to. I will never believe in it. Thank you for the meal.

Father&Mother: Coo... COOL--- Even though she's our child.
Amu: *BA-DUM* ---AHH~~~!! WHAT IS THIS AWFUL SOUND! WHAT...? It stopped before too. EH? What is this the occult? Impossible... THIS IS AWFUL. I CAN'T TAKE A BATH LIKE THIS! *Rolling around*.
Ahh--- *Jump on bed* *Plop* Acting like that all day made me tired---.
---------------               ---------------
That personality is a lie...... Yes.... I am. I am the only one who knows my real personality. I transfered schools halfway through the year... They mistook my poor speaking skills as being cool. They thought I was being rebellious by not saying anything. So, they called me "COOL"... I tried new clothing that my mother didn't like. Just one I'd like to wear pink instead of black. I want to be a cuter, more obedient girl---- But that's not my personality now...
"I will always be behind you, watching---"
No way... My real self...? My real self, the real me.. .. Maybe there's a real me. I should apologize for being stupid. Oh great fortune-teller. Please give me courage. I wish to be given a new life. Uhn.. I'm sure she was here but~~~  *Hmph* ---

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