Fatal Finding

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when we got back to the pack house I made my way in to hunt for dad until I found him as I explained to him what Paige and I encountered at the edge of the border.

' Dad I swear I smelt a dead corpse right outside the Northern borderline,' I explained feeling frustrated that he didn't believe me.

" Natalie we have men patrolling the borderline every hour with switching shifts so that none of the men tire. If there was a dead corpse out there I'm sure I would have already been in formed about it by one of the many men that patrol," He assured.

' Well you need to be getting some new runners for patrols because if your current men can't smell that then their scenes are not working right anymore or their to lazy to care to look,' I pointed out firmly.

I tilted my head up stubbornly refusing to give up on this matter. My dad set in front of me at his desk looking through pack paperwork that will need to be copied and filed even though he was focused on his work I knew he was paying attention to me because I gave him no other choice.

" The men have always gave a hundred percent Natalie I'm telling you they would have caught the scent and told me," He replied again.

' Dad I'm telling you the truth why would I lie to you,' I asked while trying to control my anger that seemed to be spiking.

' Natalie you have had a long day from the training exercise failing, to being admitted into the hospital a few hours in the early morning, and let's not forget whatever medicines they put in your system during that time that has probably not even wore off yet,' He replied changing the subject while placing his paperwork down on to the desk crossing his fingers together with his dark brown eyes now focused in on my own.

My mouth fell open slightly at the incredulity and disbelief at the words I was hearing from his mouth.

Why won't he believe me?

Why won't he listen?

I'm not two years old blabbering and mumbling about nothing!

And what exactly is the point he's trying to get at?

' The medicine from earlier today I'm sure already ran out of my system by that time,' I answered back.

" Natalie.. "

' No dad I'm serious if you don't feel like going out there then send one of our first responders and a well-trained tracker that's all I'm asking,' I pleaded sitting up in my chair.

" Natalie it is late the Sun has probably already set and you want me to ask two of my men to drop what their doing just because you catch wind of some off smell," He countered.

' Yes.'

" That's not going to happen," My dad spoke firmly.

' But Dad!'

" Enough now Natalie I will hear no more of this," he ordered.

' Dad,' I started.

" Enough I said Natalie it is beyond our border therefore it's none of my concern or yours for that matter and that will be the end of it," He snapped. Standing to my feet I looked down at my father as if he had grown two heads.

None of our concern.

It is plenty our concern.

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