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(haven't been on in years but might aswell do post all the drafts right?)
Hope Mikaelson was completely and utterly lost after the death of Josie Saltzman. It was no one's fault really, but that didn't stop the tribrid from blaming everyone around her, especially herself. No one could offer her any sort of comfort, not Alaric, not Lizzie, not even Landon. She had broken up with him a week after the accident, and didn't refrain from completely shattering his heart into pieces.

"You're worthless." Hope spat, shoving Landon into the frame of her door. Her chest was heaving, fangs growing sharp in her mouth as venom pooled on her tongue. She swallowed it back using the last ounce of restraint she had left, feeling the thick liquid drain down her throat. "You really think you were my epic love? That a fucking BIRD would be the one and only tribrid's mate?" She chuckled, boring her golden eyes into Landon. "You've got to be delusional."

"Look, Hope." Landon began, playing nervously with his hands. He had seen Hope like this before, but he had always been her source of calm, the only one that could bring her back down to reality. "I know you are upset about Josie, but I'm here for-"

"Upset? UPSET?!" Hope roared, now inches from Landon's face. "I'm fucking livid, Landon. We should have been there to help her, I should have been there!" She cocked her fist back, punching the door into splinters. "And just so you know, I never loved you the way that I loved her. And I never got to fucking tell her." Hope felt tears welling in her eyes and quickly wiped them away, dropping her head before Landon could see. "Now, get out of my room." Landon paused for a moment, scanning Hope's face for any inkling of regret. She let out a low growl, a threat, and he went scattering down the hall, desperate to get away. "WE'RE DONE BY THE WAY!" She called after him, before sprinting in the opposite direction, into the woods, not to be seen until the siphoner's funeral.

It was quite the surprise that Penelope Park was in attendance. With a push from Kaleb and MG, Lizzie begrudgingly called up 'Satan'-she still hadn't let go of the nickname-and let her know the terrible news. The witch hung up quickly, as heaving sobs racked her small frame, before booking the next flight out of Belgium to Mystic Falls. She pulled up to the Salvatore School in a sleek black Mercedes that she had rented, pausing to stare at her former home and wonder why she had ever left Josie behind.

"Penelope Park." The familiar voice startled the witch, causing her to drop her suitcase on the cement with a dull thud. She whipped around to see Hope, dressed head to toe in black, staring at her inquisitively. "Didn't think I would see you here."

"Yeah, well, Lizzie invited me." Penelope straightened out her skirt, finally getting a good look at the girl in front of her. Hope looked...fantastic. Something had changed-maybe it was the glimmer of gold that never fully left the tribrid's eyes-but darkness suited her. Penelope shook her head, trying to rid herself of the dirty thoughts running through her mind. It should be a crime to look that damn good. Now wasn't the time for her to be thinking of Hope Mikaelson in that way. "Hope...tell me. What happened to Josie?"

"Later, Park." Hope stepped forward, picking up Penelope's suitcase. "Long flight?"

"Yeah. Jet lag is a bitch." The witch undid her ponytail, letting her raven hair fall past her shoulders. It had finally grown out from her signature bob in the past year or so, since Josie wasn't around to set her on fire anymore. She smiled softly to herself at the memory, remembering how quick the siphoner was to anger. "I'm fucking exhausted."

"Well, I have an extra bed in my room." Hope offered. "We should catch up."

"We were never close, Mikaelson."

"True, but we both loved Josie. So we have some things in common." Hope grimaced as the siphoner's name passed her lips, almost as if the mere mention of the girl caused her great pain. "Plus, I have whiskey." Hope offered, smirking at the witch. "I know the famous Penelope Park would never turn down a party."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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