Frozen Love

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Snow blew dangerously and the whooshing of wind was deafening. The cold, which used to be a source of comfort for Gray felt like a stranger to him. Standing tall, he blocked Erza and Lucy from the monster standing across from him. The demon had taken everyone from him. His father, his mother, Fairy tail, and... his lover. Crystalline tears fell from his cheeks as he could vaguely hear Erza's protests.

"Bitter rivals to the end, eh?" There was a sense of bitterness to his tone as he spoke. The demon seemed to glare as if to take in Gray's sorrow. The snicker that followed only provoked Gray further. "Rivals? Me and you?" It sneered, "you were always pathetically weak. Do you really believe that I won't find the others and tear them to shreds after ending your meaningless life?"

Turning his gaze, Gray saw Lucy holding onto Erza who could barely stand. "Don't do it, Gray!" She begged. Her voice broke as tears came crashing down her face. "He took them all, Erza... crushing them within his claws and killing them without a second thought!" Gray screamed. "He almost killed you too! For crying out loud, he killed happy! Happy of all people!"

The sight of blue fur reminding him of the gruesome death. Lucy collapse despite herself. Looking back to the demon, he seemed to have waited for Gray to finish. The beast's natural cockiness working to Gray's favor. "Hey, Erza." Gray called back. "Think you got enough fight in ya to help distract him?"

The requip mage stood and hobbled till she was side by side with Gray. "Me too!" Lucy came to his other side readying her whip.

"Don't get too close and stay clear when I cast the spell!"

Lucy and Erza charged the demon as Gray took his stance. His arms crossed and he yelled out "ice make: iced shell!" The circle beneath his feet lit up instantly as ice began to encircle his body. When it reached his waist, he called for his remaining guildmates to vacate and just as it spread to his neck he spoke softly, "love ya, Natsu!"

Grays body combust and spread towards the demon quickly, encasing him in a thick shell made of grays body.

Wails echoed in the darkening sky. Erza found her way to Lucy and wrapped her arms around the young woman. "They're all dead!" She cried. "Wendy, Carla, levy, Cana... they're all dead. Now Gray and Natsu!"

Erza did her best to hold back from joining Lucy. Staring at the demon forever imprisoned by the person who cared for him most. "Dammit Natsu! I guess we ran out of miracles!" Erza could no longer contain herself. She wept for her fallen friends, everyone lost, and for the two boys who never had a chance.

Frozen LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora