^Chapter 18^

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eating sushi was a good idea it was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot too. I miss having friends over that we could spent the days with i think people don't understand when i say sometimes being away from each other is a good thing because then the feeling of seeing them again is even bigger.

We were on our way to the bar and then to the club this time a lesbian club which won't be easy either because then women will hit on you even though if they are more respectful there are some that still do not know how to behave.

"Y/N honey what's wrong" Cate laid her hand on my leg squeezing it getting me out of my thoughts.
Since we left the shop i couldn't stop having the feeling that someone is following me and it scared me especially after all these months i've been here.
"nothing babe i'm doing good" i lied to not give her anything to worry about.

they continued talking about their past when they were kids i wished my life was like Paulsons mine was horrible but my wife's wasn't better from what she told me but when sandra talked about her childhood i got really jealous, sounded like a movie.

we arrived at the bar and sat down.
„Y/N you been really quiet are you okey" Paulson asked me giving me a glass of wine with a shot next to it.I had to smile, Sarah and i got pretty close she is such a good friend and we can talk to each other if we need us.

„i feel like someone is watching me" i paused taking the shot and a sip of my wine „but I don't want to make Cate worried especially after all these months we been here"

Sarah gave me a hug to make me fell a little more save which didn't really change anything. Today i wanted to have a good day and not sit here and think about bad stuff . I mean why should my ex boyfriend find me now, why do i have the felling that he is watching me or something bad will happen.

„honey i'll go to the restroom real quick i'll be back" I gave Cate a quick kiss and walked to the bathroom.
I threw my purse down emptying it.

Finally i found what will relieve me for at least a little I know this is wrong and i know i shouldn't do this but i can't handle this bad energy and all those thoughts i need to forget things and the only thing i can think of know is cutting......

I take the blade out of the purse i get into the toilet and lock the door „Y/N" i talk to myself trying to stop me from doing what i hated me the most for „don't do it" ...... „how are you going to explain yourself" i start to put pressure to my skin felling the blade „just do it"......

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opens i shock letting go of the blade hoping it's not Cate or the other two girls but who would've thought it was Cate.

„Y/N what is taking so long are you okey"
I hear her steps coming closer, tears falling down my face i try to get up the blade so Cate doesn't see.
„Y/N baby please open the door"
her voice is soft and loving how could i hurt her like that i mean i didn't cut but i thought about it. i almost did it.

I unlock the door. Cate pushes it open and looks at me with my pants down and the blade on the ground her eyes widen but before she could say anything.....

leave some feedback besties❤️ love you guys. btw what's ur zodiac sign?

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