Sleep It Off

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*Warning! Chapter will include drug (weed/marijuana) usage*

I head down my stairs and into the kitchen to get the snacks and drinks that Mina and Sero brought over. My phone lights up and the screens reads: Old Man👨🏽‍🦳

"Hey," I say as I yawn into the phone.

"Sorry for being out so late. I have couple of stacks more to do and I'll be home," Kazuhiko rasps.

"Bad day?" I ask as I make my way up the stairs.

"Yeah a villain attacked the south side bank. I gotta go if I want to be home before midnight."

"Alright, hopefully see you soon I guess."

I hear a grunt as I hang up the phone and head into my room. Cheers ring out as everything is snatched from my hands the second I step foot in my own room. I sigh as I look at the pack of black licorice in my hands. "Really," I dead face as I watch everyone devour the snacks on my bed.

"Kaminari, Jesus Christ do I need to call CPS? Calm down before you choke." I snatch the bag of chips from him as I make my way back to my spot. He pouts as he licks the dust from his fingers. "Disgusting," Mina groans as she searches her bag. She throws a wet wipe pack at his face, making him whine.

"My dad's going to be home in an hour. If you guys need to stay that's fine," I say as I grab a few chips.

Kirishima starts cleaning up the trash that's starting to form in the middle of my bed. "I'm good to walk home, I don't really even feel it that much." He says. Sero throws a plastic wrapper on top of Kirishima's hand as he was picking a bag up, making Kirishima give Sero the, "seriously", face.

"Stay a little longer and sober up. You don't have to leave right now," I say shrugging as I get the box out again.

"You gotta be kidding me dude," Mina says with her eyebrows raised.

Sero shrugs, "another won't hurt." He starts helping me grind as I get my paper out. Kirishima shakes his head as he throws away the garbage in my bathroom.

Me and Sero smoke as everyone watches tiktoks and talk about hero's and villains. I feel heat on the side of my face and I look left to see eyes burning me down. I cock my eyebrow at him. He reaches his hand out, "give me it." I smirk, "need help?"  Bakugo furrows his eyebrows and snatches it from my hand. He parts his mouth and slowly takes a hit while making eye contact with me. I held it and watched as he blew out, his head slightly tilted. His nose flares as he tries not to cough and grabs the water.

"Your not gonna be perfect the first time," I say smirking at him.

He glares at me as he wipes his mouth on the back of his hand. "If I want to be the number one hero I have to be perfect at everything," he says.
I raise an eyebrow, "even smoking weed?" He opens his mouth to say something until Mina's voice chimes up.

"Ok I think I'm gonna start heading home." She gets up and grabs her things and everyone starts to do the same. "Yeah my moms probably gonna take my switch for staying out this late as it is," Kaminari groans. Bakugo stands up and holds onto my headboard.

"Woah Bakubro, you okay?" Kirishima asks as he goes towards Bakugo. Bakugo stands straight and glares at Kirishima, "I'm fine damn weird hair!" I stand up from sitting and grab Bakugo's arm lightly. He moves his glare onto me. "You should sleep over. You shouldn't walk home tonight," I say sternly, challenging his glare. From the corner of my eye Mina and Sero share a look.

"Just stay here dude. Sleep off the high. You'll feel better tomorrow trust me," Sero says with a smirk.

Kaminari and Mina start sneaking out the door and Sero starts inching. Bakugo scrunches his eyebrows, "I can't sleep here."




Bakugo pushes my hand off of his arm. "Are you an idiot or just plain dumb?" I hear a chuckle.

"I don't get it," I plainly say.

He opens his mouth and closes it. He looks over to the side and grunts. I hum and look over to see everyone's gone. "So why?" I ask again. He sighs and I look back over to him. He stares at the floor with his eyebrows crinkled for a few seconds.

"You better not snore! Or sleep on me! Or even touch me!" He growls. A small smile forms on my face and I can't stop it until it turns into a full in smile. Bakugo's face relaxes as he looks at me. He blinks and looks away.

"Smiling like a damn idiot. Stupid bat," he grumbles. He climbs back into the bed and goes under the covers. His back faces me and he angrily squirms to get comfortable. I get into bed myself and relax into the sofa.

"Bed already?" I ask softly.

"It's too damn late anyways now shut up and let me sleep!" He growls. I softly chuckle and face his back for a few minutes. The outline of his body intrigued me and his quiet breaths feathered through my ears. My heart started to race. His blonde hair littered my pillow and the urge to feel it fueled me. My hands started to sweat and I turned my body away.

"Stop moving I can't sleep!" Bakugo yells as he sits up glaring at me. My heart races as I looked up at his face. My heart started to race and I looked back down at my blanket. "What?!" Bakugo yells. I take a deep breath and look back up at him confusingly. Bakugo's face softens a little as he examines my face. My throat felt dry all of the sudden and I clear my throat as I look to my right.

"Ugh I can't sleep so I kinda want to go outside," I say. Bakugo gives me a "boy w u t" face and I point to the window outside. I move around to my dresser and grab my box again. Bakugo's face blanks. "Seriously, like for real." I nodded and crawled to my window and opened the latch. I swing my legs over and out to my small balcony. I look back out through the window, "coming?"He rolls his eyes and sits at the window putting his head on his arms. "This is as far as I'll go," he grunts.

The cool air blows through my hair as dew filled my nose. The sound of far away traffic and barking dogs calmed me. I look up into the sky and stare at the stars. "Why do you have those scars?" With my head up at the sky I slowly sigh and take a long hit. I felt it burn harshly in my lungs until I released it from the cold cage. I flick off the ash and stare ahead. "My mother." My heart beat fast. Did I really just say that?!? My hands started to clam up and I took another hit to calm my nerves.

"She did that to you?" He softly asked. I started to shake a bit. I dropped my joint off the balcony. "Shit. Fuck." I look down at the ground below me and where it disappeared to. My hands shook as I tried to steady my breathing. "Asato?" His voice sent a calming wave over me as I got my breathing back. "Sorry...I-...I don't like to talk about it. I'm sorry." I quietly say with my head down. There was a moment of silence.

"I was attacked by a villain." I look over at him. The moons light shown on his face. A conflicted look stained his face as looked down bellow the banister. I waited to see if he would say anything but we sat in silence. "Well now I get the tough guy act," I say chuckling.

He glares at me, "it's not an act."

I smile teasingly, "I know your soft."

"I'm not soft."

"I'm sorry but what happened earlier says otherwise."

"I'm not soft damnit!"

"Okay, bad."

"Get the hell in here already and go to sleep!"

"Okay, okay!"

I go back inside and get inside the bed next to Bakugo who's back was against me again. And before I drifted to sleep I heard a small, "thank you."

Broken Wings // Mha x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now