Updated 100 Questions

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1. What is your real name?
Ah an easy one, Karson.

2. Nickname?
Kay, most of my friends and my whole team call me it.

3. Favorite color?
Blue, has not changed.

4. Gender?

5. Primary school, high school, college university?
Senior Year of High School

6. Hair color?
Brownish. Sometimes blue highlights.
This is funny because this was my answer from years ago before I started dying my hair, and for the first time in four to five years I let my natural color grow out, and then did the underneath of the front blue.

7. Tall or Short?
I'm short. Well below the national average, it's why most of my converse are the small platforms.

8. Sweatpants or jeans?
Sweats dude, don't have to worry about a belt.

9. Cellphone or camera?
Cellphone, still like being able to read and write anywhere I please without having to take a carry on bag to hold a notebook, pencils, and a book.

10. Health freak?
Sorta? Not really though, I work out three times a day and try to have healthy snacks but yeah not really no.

11. Apple or orange?

12. Crush?

13. Guy or girl friends?
Simple, both and any in between. I've got guy friends, girl friends, and non binary friends.

14. Piercings?
Ears, I used to have a conch piercing but I had to take it out when I had my MRI and it closed up.

15. Pepsi or Coke?
Pepsi, just think it tastes better you know?

16. Have you ever flown in a plane?
A couple times yeah.

17. *notification* Sting Eucliffe has just followed you on Instagram!
Oh that guy from Fairy Tail! Wasn't really a big fan of him, always liked Gray more.

18. Ever been in a releshonship
Sorta? It was complicated.

19. Ever been in a car crash?
Yes, I was driving by myself and got into a crash. I had been playing a cd too, because my car doesn't have bluetooth.
First car crash I'm ever in and it happens to the Undertale Soundtrack.

20. Ever been in a fist fight?
Yes, hockey fights.

21. First piercings?

22. Best friend?
My friends Jupiter, Mikey, and Ezra.

23. First Award?
The first actual award I got was in eighth grade for hockey.

24. First crush?
Martino from Pop Pixie.
No I'm not joking.

25. First Word?
Fuck if I know man.

26. Talents?
Drawing realistic hands and flowers. Also I can skate pretty fast.


27. Last person you talked to?
My dad when I was getting my dog.

28. Last person you texted?

29. Last person you watched a movie with?
Ezra, we watched the new Purge movie in theatre last night, came home a few hours later and watched Luca, and then watched Loki today.

30. Last thing you ate?
Altoids probably.

31. Last show you watched?

32. Last song you listened to?
Either Sex Sells or Taunt by Lovejoy

33. Last thing you bought?
A milkshake and one of those instant kraft mac n cheese cups at like 12am last night.

34. Last person you hugged?
My mom

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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