The Truth Comes Out Part One

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The Truth Comes
Part One

••••••••••••••••••••The Truth Comes OutPart One••••••••••••••••••••

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Roman POV

6 Months Ago•°

Getting home, it was late.

It was a good thing he and the guys didn't have to work tomorrow.

He took a deep breath before walking into his house.

Everyone was here.

He set his bags down and pushed his hands into his pockets. Ready for what came his way.

"How could you?" His dad asked.

Roman didn't say anything. It was better if he stayed silent till everyone got out what they wanted to say.

He knew they had found out about Melissa. But he didn't know how.

"You are about to have a family Roman. Have we taught you nothing about family? She is pregnant with your child," his dad said.

Desiree was crying on his mom's shoulder.

His dad sighed. He looked completely exhausted.

"I don't know where I went wrong. I've been thinking and thinking and I just don't know," his dad said.

It almost looked like he wanted to cry, but he knew his dad wouldn't.

"This is a damn good woman you have and you want to throw that away for someone you just met? Its lust Roman," his dad said.

"Easy women like her are easy to find, but a good woman, isn't Roman. I've been a damn good woman to you." Desiree shouted while crying.

"See what you did?" His dad asked angry.

His dad stood and walked over to him, setting his hand on his son's shoulder.

"I told you that if Desiree ended up pregnant at any time, I wouldn't let you walk away from her or your child," he said.

"And I didn't or haven't. I taking care of mine on my own." Roman said.

His dad nodded.

"And now you need to continue to and or you are out of the family. You need to end this little fling Now." His dad said.

"I love Melissa," he whispered for only his dad to hear.

His dad could see the pain in his son's eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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