The whole thing

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    Atsushi scrambled across the floor as he let out a piercing cry. His wrist broken, face pale from the shock, and thriving in pain.
    "I-I shouldn't have ever entered this goddamn place...!" He thought to himself frantically.
    Footsteps were getting closer and closer as he tried to find a place to hide. It was no use. The blood oozing from his wounds left a trail leading straight to him. He soon gave up, it was no use. He would have to join the others in agony.

    There were missing posters spread out all around town. "Missing, Osamu Dazai. Contact your local police station if found." It read out. Atsushi Nakajima would feel a twinge of grief everytime he would pass one of those posters. As he strolled his way to work, he would only look down at the ground. The boy felt lonely without his mentor. He wondered if he was killed off or finally managed to end his own life. Either way, he just wanted closure. It seemed like something so close to him yet so far away.

    He entered the building that the ADA was located in and began walking up the stairs. The whole agency had been trying to figure out Dazai's sudden disappearance, but even Ranpo couldn't figure it out. As soon as he opened the door leading into the office, Kenji ran up to him looking frantic.
    "A-Atsushi...! Kyouka...she's...." He said as he stumbled with his words.
    "What is she...?! Kenji, what about her?!" He yelled at him with panic in his voice.
    "She's...missing." Interrupted Kunikida as he put his hand on Kenji's shoulder.
    "M...missing...?" Muttered Atsushi as he was trying to hold back tears.
    Kyouka was like a little sister to him. She may have seemed overly attached to him and it did make him uncomfortable, but he saw her as family. The thought of her going missing just shattered him. He didn't quite understand how she had gone missing though. He saw her this morning, they had just decided to take different routes this morning.
    Atsushi began to blame himself and her disappearance was all that he could think about. Everyone else tried their best to solve the mystery, but it was fruitless. He had other cases to work on, but he just couldn't get Dazai and Kyouka out of his mind.

    The next day repeated itself. Missing posters everywhere, a dull morning, and this time Kunikida was gone! Everyone seemed to get worried, except for Yosano. She seemed oddly calm in all of this. Atsushi brushed it off as Yosano's usual behavior, but even she had moments where she got worried. Soon even more people in the ADA went missing. Fukuzawa was on a business trip and Atsushi was freaking out. He started to fear for the worse to come. What if he was next?
    He went down to the cafe that the members of the agency loved to go to. But it wasn't the same anymore. Dazai wasn't here to try to seduce the waitress and Tanizaki wasn't here to make babies with his sister. He sighed as he took a sip of the tea he had ordered.
    "Why hello there, Atsushi my dear!" Said Yosano who was sitting in the booth behind him.
    Atsushi nearly spat out his tea. He didn't even see her there! He assumed that he was just so deep into his ocean of pity that he couldn't even be bothered to notice his surroundings.
    "Oh uhhh...good afternoon, Yosano!" He said with a cowardly smile.
    "Things have been pretty rough lately, haven't they?" She questioned him
    "Well....yeah they have been...with everyone going missing and without Kyouka's been a bit lonely..."
    "Aw poor thing...well I recently got a new pet! It's been keeping me company during these hard times. I thought you would like to come over on Friday and see it! Maybe it would cheer you up a bit?" She offered.

    He thought that was oddly motherly of her to do, but he didn't want to seem rude. He nodded in agreement and made plans to go to her house on Friday after work. Besides, it would be a bit nice to get to know Yosano a bit more.

    Friday finally came. The weather was a bit rainier than usual, but Atsushi didn't mind a bit of rain. As he sat in a seat on the train, he had some time to contemplate a few things. Why didn't Yosano tell him what kind of pet she had? When he asked, she replied with "It's a surprise!". Secondly, she brushed off the whole thing with everyone going missing. In fact she didn't even seem to care! He pondered on why nobody thought she was suspicious, but alas he had to put these thoughts to rest.
    He got off the train and started to walk towards Yosano's home. The rain was the only real noise around and it was a gloomy day out. Pair that up with Atsushi being cold, he was chilled to the bone just thinking about Yosano. Still, he decided to meet up with her. Before he even laid a finger on the door, she opened it.
    "Ah, good afternoon! Please, come inside!" She greeted him as she rushed him inside her house.
    Classic Yosano. She had butterfly decorations everywhere. She sat him down as she went into the kitchen to prepare some water. Atsushi felt very uncomfortable in her house, but he didn't want to hurt Yosano's feelings. She came back with a glass of water and handed it to him. He wasn't that thirsty, but he didn't want to refuse.
    "Follow me! I'll show you my new pet." She said as she guided him towards her basement.
    He knew something was up. Basements were a staple in horror genres. He drank some of the water to calm his nerves down. What he saw next was the biggest shock of all.

    Dazai, Kyouka, Kunikida, and many more were all down here, but not in the way Atsushi usually saw them. They were conjoined from mouth to anus and it looked like they came from a horror movie! They had stitches in their mouth and they were all moaning from the pain. Blood was even present. The dark crimson liquid was spilling out of their wounds.
    Atsushi couldn't even react properly. He didn't even know HOW to react. His first instinct was to start running for his life, but he felt....dazed. He soon realized it was the water! How could he have been this stupid? Yosano tainted the water! He passed out on the stairs and would soon awake to the most traumatic thing of his life.
    He woke up strapped to a bed and it took him a minute to figure out what was happening. As soon as the boy realized his current predicament, he started hyperventilating. His face went pale and he started to feel clammy. Soon after, Yosano walked in. She was smiling at him as if nothing had happened.
    "Did you have a nice little nap, my dear?" She said in a cheery yet sickening tone.
    Atsushi didn't even respond. He just started to sob and began thrashing in his restraints. He snapped out of it as soon as Yosano slapped him.
    "Shut up, will you?! Look, it's simple. I'm not going to kill you. I'm simply going to explain everything that will happen to you." She explained as she put up a projector screen.
    The explanation went as follows. Everyone was conjoined from the mouth to anus. The person at the front was the only one able to eat properly. Everyone else had no choice but to consume the shit of the person in front of them. The reasoning behind why everyone couldn't use their abilities was because Dazai was at the front. His ability carries on through any bodily fluid and therefore everyone else's ability was canceled out. Atsushi was going to be at the back of this creature. Getting little to no nutrition and could possibly die!
    Yosano went upstairs to prepare for everything, while Atsushi had to think of something fast. He began by trying to tug at the restraints and he somehow managed to slip out of them with a bit of concentration. Atsushi started to shake out of fear. He grabbed a scalpel and slowly went upstairs. Just then, Yosano saw him and pushed him down the stairs. He landed on his elbow and started screaming in pain. The damn thing broke! He tried to get up and pushed Yosano out of the way. He sprinted towards the door, but of course it was locked. He ran upstairs into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
    The bathroom didn't have a window to climb through, Atsushi was at a dead end. He started to sob even more as Yosano broke down the door. She dragged him by his shirt, but he bit her hand. She then stabbed him in the leg with the scalpel and this continued for a while. It ended in Atsushi crying on the floor, begging for Yosano to let him go. Pretty soon she started laughing at him.

    "W-why are you laughing...?! You huge sicko....!" He yelled at her.
    "Atsushi, what's the date today?" She asked with a smile.
    He started to think for a moment but then it hit him. It was April 1st! Soon everyone come up the stairs, trying to take off their makeup.
    "Ah, Atsushi! Long time no see!" Exclaimed Dazai in his usual annoying tone.
    "It was...all just a...p-prank...?!" He cried.
    Everyone nodded and Atsushi was at a loss for words. He was made to believe everyone he loved was dead or kidnapped, he was drugged, strapped to a bed, had a panic attack, broke his damn elbow, STABBED IN THE DAMN LEG, and all for what? A sick and twisted prank?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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