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I got off the train and waved goodbye to the trio I was newly acquainted with. I was then instructed to go with the first years so I can get sorted to my house. I then thought about something the trio asked me on the train ride here.

"So what house do you wanna be in," Ron asked me. "To be honest I don't really know," I answered.
"Well I hope they get Griffendore so we can hang out more," harry replied. The other two nodded in agreement.

'Well I mean Griffendore doesn't sound so horrible'  I was soon snapped from my trance when the women that taught me a bit of magic before I came here walked into the room. "My name is professor McGonigle. Soon you will be seated into your houses. There are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Griffendore, and Slytherin," McGonigle explained.

We then walked into the grand hall. There were a whole bunch of tables where each house sat at and a big table where the professors sat. There was a big man with ragged black hair, which is I guess it's hagrid from what Harry explained. The old white haired man explained some things like how there would be dementors guarding the intrences of the castle, and then we started the sorting.

I didn't pay much attention to everyone because it wasn't that important but I did clap like everyone else. That's when I heard my name "Phinix koshi!" I was happy professor McGonigle didn't put any 'ms' or 'mr' with my name. I guess she already knew. (hehe mind reader) she placed the hat on my head and it spoke out. "Hmm here's a hard one. You have much courage that's a great trait for a Griffendore.. But.. You show loyalty and compassion. Like a Hufflepuff. You're also very cunning and smart, maybe Slytherin," I shut my eyes as tightly as I could as he finished " well put you in... GRIFFENDORE!"

McGonigle took the hat off my head and I walked tword the celebrating table. I saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione wave me over to sit by them, so of course I did (😌ah yes the obvious choice)

When I made it there, there were some boys laughing and

♡𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕞 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜♡ -oc x draco- Where stories live. Discover now