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Outer beauty attracts but inner beauty captivates.
                                                    KATE ANGELL
Liam pov
You want to become what ,dad fumed with rage.
I said , I wanna become a psychologist , I said clenching my fist.
Oh so you can bring ,some mad creeps into my home. Before I could process what was happening ,my fist connected to his jaw as he stumbled backwards ,almost falling over mum who sat still on the sofa .
Liam!! ,she scolded.
Shut up ,how dare you say something like that after what happened to Asheville, I yell at him.
Don't dare mention that name in my home,he yells his jaw clenching.
Listen ,he points a finger at me ,you are in my house so you do as I tell you. He picks up his briefcase and walks out the front.
Mum also stands up ,her hells clinging to the floor,she grabs her hand bag and dash out leaving me in all my glory.

 Ariana pov♣️

Mom is sitting in her lazy chair,she barely stands up from it.
Seven fifteen in the morning but she has a bottle of vodka in her hands . She barely notices me.
Hi ,mom, I try to start a conversation but it's pointless ,she doesn't take her eyes off the TV.

Trying to engage her in a conversation is pointless ,so I head  to the kitchen to find something to eat but the first cupboard is empty . The second cupboard is also empty.The fridge only contains bottles of beers.

Mom ,there is no food ,I wriggled my eyebrows .
Then fucking buy some you dau... Oh hey sweetheart ,she paused midway her sentence .

That's when I notice a figure making its way to the living room where mom sat, without a word he connected his dirty lips to her lips not even noticing my presence .
I wonder if my mom has even brushed her teeth .

Just saying , I feel sorry for the poor guy who has to taste her morning breath mixed with alcohol .
Who is this ?the man who is dressed in a white shirt that looks almost brown and a pair of dark jeans, ask finally noticing my presence .
She's no one you should worry about darling ,she said tugging his shirt into the room ,let's go have some fun,she says banging the door in the process.
Tears well up in my eyes but I fight the edge to let them fall, I am not going to cry over this.

Who can tell me the formula for 2x multiplied by 4p ,Mr . Pipe asked the class as the whole class groaned.
I hate calculus ,Anna whispered harshly.

Anna has been my best friend since 6th grade,she's beautiful unlike me but she's too blind to notice .
Whiles I am short and slim with black hair that becomes brown when under the sun she  has brown hair which flows down to her back and bangs ,
all the curves at the right places ,she isn't too tall and not too short neither is she fat nor slim.

I flinch as the class room door slam close ,and in walks in Liam Asher five minutes before the bell goes off.
Mr. Asher can you mind telling us why you are late for class,Mr Pipe folds his arms.
Was fucking some blonde,he smirked.
He doesn't even care that his girlfriend is in this class,maybe it's because she's used to it.
Mr. Pipe's face flushed like a girl who has been asked to prom by her crush.
Clearing his throat ,he handed him a detention slip.
The automatic bell rings for lunch and Mr. Pipe claps his hands,that's all for today ,have a wonderful day.
Guess what ,Anna says as she nudges me. Tom asked me out ,she adds with a frown.
Why aren't you happy he asked you out he's like the coolest kid, I ask with a frown.
He's not cool he's a nerd.
So what ,you are also a  nerd ,don't tell me you are still not over Ashton, I pause and look at her.
What if I tell you I am not over him,she pouts.
Anna has a crush on Ashton since 7th grade ,but he doesn't give two fucks.
Look who we have here if it's not Miss Goody Goody and Fat ass, Mackenzie and Ashton block our path.

Mackenzie is the queen bee of the Fountain High  and his boyfriend is Ashton who's Liam's bestfriend and they are both rude as hell.
Hey ,you answer when I speak Makenzie yells as I flinch.
Don't you dare ignore my girlfriend when she talks to you ,Ashton yells  gripping Anna's arm as tears run down her face.
I know she isn't crying because of the yelling of Mackenzie or the way Ashton is gripping her arms but, it's because she loves Ashton with all her heart but all he does is bully her.
Let's go of me ,Anna cry's out.
Ashton stares at her for a while ,guilt flashing in his eyes before  he masks it up with a  smirk yanking her to the floor.
She falls down with a thud .
Have you seen what you have done, I squint my eyes at him.
What's going on here ,I turn around Ashlin and Liam in all their glory.
Are you alright ,Ashlin says softly reaching out for Anna hands pulling her to her feet.

I am alright ,Anna smiles dusting her clothes off any dirt.

One thing about Ashlin was that she was an angel from from heaven,she was Soo kind and generous , for a girl so beautiful , intelligent and rich , I would have expected her to have her nose pecked up in the clouds but no she was so kind and always had a smile on her face.

Are you alright , I ask Anna for the hundredth time. I am fine really,she puts her arm around my neck as we walk to the far end of the cafeteria where the nerds and docks sit.

What should we oder ,Anna scrunches her nose at my choice of a granola bar and an apple.

You always eat that,look if you don't have enough money to buy food ,I can buy you some afterall what are best friends for ,she smiled.
No you don't have to, I said shrugging.

I hate it when people pity me.

As she set the tray in front of me ,I couldn't help but squeal like a child gaining the whole cafeteria's attention,some looked at us with a glare while some smiled sweetly.
A humberger and fries with a bottle of coca cola,it been Soo long since I had such a decent meal.
Thank you so much ,Anna.
No probs ,she giggled.
As I was about to dig in , I noticed Ashlin sashaying to our table.
I know she's kind but it doesn't mean ,she's doesn't act like a beauty queen.

When she reaches our table ,she smiles politely ,before saying.

Can you guys join us at our table.

Hey guys ,how are you doing .
This is chapter one and I hope you liked it.
Now who do you think is Asheville 🤔.

Stay tuned for chapter two .

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