hi, welcome to my totally normal life

19 1 11

Emily's pov:

hi...... i'm emily . i'm 3 foot 2 with long blond hair all the way to my ass, and bright big blue shining ocean color orbs.

i was never like the other girls, i liked reading and i was shy, very shy.

my parents both got killed before i was born, i popped out of my mother's head after she died. i had to live on the streets my whole life ever since i was a fetus.
when i was 11 i got my hogwarts letter, i knew from that moment on my life was going to change.

the first time i met Draco was on the train in first year, i remember it vividly.

i had never been this nervous, my hands were shaking i was so exited. hogwarts i was going to be a wizard.
"dumbledore what a pathetic excuse for a headmaster my father will here about this"
i hear posh British accent coming my way, i look down to avoid any eye contact.
"get out of my face filthy mud blood" he says
i look up at him, "i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i'm s-s-sorry" i tell him while looking at my shoes to avoid making him mad again.
"you better be," he says and spits on me.
i stare at him walk away, i would never forget that boy, the boy that will once be mine.

ever since that day i couldn't forget him. his orbs, gray like the sky on a stormy winters day burned in the back of my mind. but i knew.... that he hated me. everything about me he hated. i tried so hard for him to like me but he still hates me.

maybe one day, just maybe, he'll love me like i love him.

A/N: hey guys this is my first chapter i hope you like it the story will continue on starting from the beginning of 6th year.

it's a bit rough but i'm working on it

tell me what you think and what i should add next time thank you byeeeeeeeeeee

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