Chapter 1

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3rd POV - 1983 (2 years after Lilly and James Potter's murders)
It was a cold, winter night. Fresh snow covered the ground like a crystal white blanket. The wind whipped down the street of an empty suburb as shadows descended upon a small white cottage at the end of the street, breaking the newly places snow and disturbing the peacefulness of it all with dark intentions.
It had been years since the last attack, but morale never died among certain follows and tonight was their long awaited course of action.
A 9 year old girl named after a deadly, but beautiful flower is placed in her bed along with her favorite stuffed animals, kissed goodnight by her parents one last time.
A man named Nott and his companions Jugson and Avery hid in the large shadows cast across the yard as the full moon breaks out from be hide the over head clouds. Death Eaters, were on the prowl.
Nott was one of Voldemort's earliest Death Eaters, noted to be present when Tom Riddle applied to teach at Hogwarts. Little is known about Jugson other than his incredible fighting skills. Avery joined the Death Eaters at the same time as many of its premier members, such as Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape. After Voldemort's downfall, he claimed he had been Imperiused and avoided Azkaban, but he would do anything to please Voldemort.
These men were on a mission to please the one they had abandoned when he died, not believing he would come back. After threats from the others and constant insults, it had lead them to this moment of redemption of getting rid of The Order's remaining members. But little did they know they would be changing the Wizarding world and creating a new kind of magic to be used against the Dark Lord.

Snape's POV: End of Goblet of Fire - June 1995
Dumbledore had called me down to his office after we all left the maze after Harry Potter had finished the last task of the Goblet of Fire events. Cedric, a student of Hogwarts had died as a result of the return of the Dark Lord. Students, faculty and guests panicked as Dumbledore remained as calm as I had ever seen him and lead my way for me as I was caught up in the chaos. I knew this could happen, but now and here of all places I couldn't believe it. Everyone now was in the corridors and front entrance of the school saying goodbye to the multiple schools that came to Hogwarts for the wizard triathlon. Once in Dumbledore's office, he slammed the door closed and made his way to the center of the room as I stood by the door. He faced his desk, staring at the wall in front of him, until he finally turned to face me.
"There's a girl. Her name is Larkspur Volkov. She is the daughter of Dimitri Volkov and Anna Volkov." Dumbledore practically shouts out at me.
"They were apart of the Order of the Phoenix group, friends of Remus. They were the oldest of the group, a whole 10 years." I added in as I stepped closer to him in the center of the room. Most of us had been born in 1960 and 1961, but both Dimitri and Anna had been born in the winter of 1950. I knew that at 24 years old in 1974, Anna had a baby since that was all Lilly and her talked about. I also knew Anna's birthday since it was the same day as Lilly's, January 30th. She would have been 35 this year as I am, if she had lived, but Anna and Dimitri would now have been 45.
"Correct. Well as you know they died at the hands of some Death Eaters that invaded their home like what happened with the Potters and also to some of the other members of the order who were found out. The had a daughter that survived,"
"Like Potter?" I interrupted. Dumbledore nodded before continuing.
"Well she was killed actually and her aunt who was there at the time and was also teaching Dark Arts at the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France, killed the Death Eaters there and brought her back to life with a reincarnation spell, or so we believe. Since her soul was still in her body or close to it, she lived." Dumbledore finished.
"That's outrageous. There are no such spells, only reincarnate spells that can reverse stunning spells." I exclaimed to Dumbledore.
"That is correct, but she used a different kind that shadow-kissed the poor girls soul. Darkness is apart of her and around her. I need you to go help her control her outbursts of magic at the Durmstrang Institute in Scandinavia. That Witchcraft and Wizardry school has a four year university tied to it and was willing to have Larkspur there."
"Is she... evil?" I asked, struggling to find a better word.
"No, the darkness in her does not make her evil, but since she is surrounded by darkness, well shadows of dark events and from what my colleague says, ghosts, she can't control her magic and sometimes it explodes out of her. She also has...other abilities." Dumbledore says as he studies my face.
"Other abilities?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest.
"She doesn't need a wand and she can control the ghost that are stuck in the in-between state like she was or is. I'm sure there is more, but no-one knows the dark arts like you. Her aunt is scared after what she did to her niece, so it's you I chose. 21 years old and still can't control her amazing gifts. We need to change that." Dumbledore said with some excitement in his voice. I studies him for a bit before answering.
"I am honored you thought of me, but with Potter and everything that has just occurred and been confirmed I think I should stay."
"Severus, we can use her to fight the Death Eaters and Voldemort if what Harry said was true. I already had this planned before hand. Now it is defiant." Dumbledore said to me as he made his way to his desk to sit behind it. After sitting down he looked back up at me.
"It's the summer and the students will be away. She is going to be in school during the summer where there is less kids on campus. I will have Professor McGonagall look after Harry while you are gone. I also have eyes everywhere you know." Dumbledore said with a wag of his finger.
I stand there, trying to think up excuses for not going since my mind is only thinking of Lilly Potter and making her happy in the afterlife. Typical.
"What's the day today?" Dumbledore calls out, snapping me out of my head.
"Um... June 30th, 1995. Why?"
"With the way things are going, I will have to leave soon. To protect the children and you Snape. By next year, 1996, things have to get worse if they have already started with Harry. I predict that by April 1996, I will have to hide away." Dumbledore looks over at his Phoenix and studies it.
"I will do what I can." I said as I turned to leave. My mouth spoke for me before my mind had really settled on an answer.
"Learning to control the dark magic that makes her who she is will give us an edge in fighting the Dark Lord." Dumbledore called out to me as I reached his office door.
I reached out and gripped the cool, metal door handle, twisting it and pulling it towards me to open it a little. I looked over my shoulder at Professor Albus Dumbledore, studying the wise man. I searched my head, trying to find what words I wanted to say to him.
"Severus, Potter needs this. He is the boy who lived and you know that he must die for the Dark Lord to die too. We have seen they are connected. If this girl has been shadow-kissed and came back from the other side unharmed, we can do the same for Harry. I owe this to him as I send him to Voldemort like a lamb sent to be slaughtered during a cold winter. I don't wanna be his villain." Dumbledore said with a serious face.
I nodded and turned back to the door to head off to pack for my departure.

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