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Childhood should be carefree playing in the sun: not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul. -Dave Pelzer

Gyakutai Orphanage. One of the many orphanages in Musutafu. It also happens to be where the children with the 'villainous quirks are. Izuku is one of these children. So is Hitoshi and Yua. Their quirks are considered particularly heinous. And those kids. Let's just say.... They aren't treated well.

Izuku woke up to darkness. He didn't know where he was. He didn't like it. He was scared and nervous and just wanted to go home. There was a single light above him but other than that it was dark. He started to panic. He didn't know where he was the last thing he remembered was mommy throwing him in the trunk of the car and driving somewhere. Just as he started to hyperventilate he heard someone. "H-hello", he asked before a girl came out of the shadows. A boy around Izuku's age came after her. They both had muzzles on and were signing at each other furiously. If it wasn't for Kacchan teaching him JSL he wouldn't've known what they were saying.

"------ why do you think he's here? They usually keep the new kids upstairs. Right?" The girl signed.

"I don't know why he's here. For all, we know he could be a spy!" The boy replied.

"But he's too cute to be a spy."

"That's how they get you."

At that point, Izuku had, had enough. He was no one's spy, thank you very much. "I know what you're saying." He signed getting their attention. "------! Look! He can sign!" The girl signed. "Who are you?" The boy asked turning towards Izuku. "My name is I-Z-U-K-U. Do you know where we are?" He replied. "This is G-Y-A-K-U-T-A-I Orphanage." The boy signed after a moment. "I told you my name so can I know yours?" Izuku asked them. This time the girl answered. "I'm Y-U-A and that's H-I-T-O-S-H-I." She said before showing him their sign names. Yua's was the sign for voice with a Y and Hitoshi's was the sign for tired with an H. The two kids came closer and sat in front of him. It wasn't until now that he realized he was on a mattress on the floor.
Now that the two were closer Izuku could see them MUCH better. Hitoshi had lavender hair and matching eyes. He had really dark circles under his eyes, which is probably where his sign name came from, and a metal muzzle. The muzzle was really tight and it even cut into his skin but he never bought it up so neither did Izuku. Yua had long thick yellow-blonde hair and beautiful jade green eyes. She had bags under her eyes too, though not as bad as Hitoshi's. She had the same type of muzzle that Hitoshi had.

The three children talked for hours. That how they found out some important stuff.
They were the same age (More or less)
None of them remember how they got here
No one has come down since they left Izuku

"Hey, so, I think it's time we talk quirks. Is that okay with you guys?" Hitoshi signed earning reluctant nods from his companions. "Since I asked I'll go first. My quirk is Brainwashing. If someone answers a question I ask then I can control them but if someone bumps into them or something then I don't control them anymore." Hitoshi explained looking away. "I'll go next my quirk is called Microphone. I can make sounds louder or quieter it's easiest to do it with my voice though." Yua explained. Izuku sat in a daze and only snapped out of it when the others looked uncomfortable. "What is it?" Hitoshi asked. "I just thought it was weird that all of us have nonphysical quirks. You see my quirk is called Erasure. If I look at someone I can cancel out their quirk until I blink. When I blink the effect is undone." All three agreed that it was definitely weird that all three of them had nonphysical quirks. But they were also exhausted. So the three kids each took one of the old, beat-up mattresses and went to sleep.

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