Do NOT come in

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"A/N: They Went back to Inazuma and got themselves some houses, separate.  And Kazuha is a bit..........Yandere-ish on Hiroji."


"Yahoooo!  Tama?" I said, walking around.

I have lost my cat....Again.

"Hey Kazuha!  Have you seen Tama?" I asked.

"Oh, I think he went to my house" Kazuha said.

"Oh, ok!  Thanks Kazuuuu!" I said, running off to Kazuha's house.

As I enterd the house, I looked everywhere for Tama.

"Tama?  Yahoooooooo!  Tamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I yelled.

I suddenly stop in front of Kazuha's room.

It said "Do NOT come in".

But, I really, REALLY needed to find Tama, and he might be inside the room.

I was about to enter the room before I see Tama behind me.

"Ah!  Tama!  Your worried me!" I said, picking her up

If Kazuha's friend were still aliveWhere stories live. Discover now