Guessing game

204 8 2

Third person POV-katsuki main



The ash blonde jolted awake. He looked around the fuzzy room, squinting at the bright light. He turned to his side to find a red fuzz-ball. What the fuck. His eyes adjusted to see his sharp toothed friend. Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows and looked forward.

Kirishima nudged his shoulder and bakugou snapped to look at him

"What?!-" he shrieked, his voice raspy.

Kirishima jumped back "hey. Hey. Chill out. You dozed off. What's wrong? You NEVER doze off in class"

Katsuki looked confused "class?" He looked around to see his peers all working on a piece of paper, most of them quiet except Mina was talking up a storm to the people around her. He looked back to the red head and scoffed

"So what if I fell asleep? Why do you care?"

He replied eventually which the red head responded

"Uhhh. Because it's class. You care too much about your grades to slip up. What happened last night?"

The memories flooded the blondes head. Of Todoroki on the rooftop. His cheeks heated as the events unfolded like a film in his mind.

"Wow wow- did something happen? Did you meet a girl. Who is she?!-"

Katsuki's hand landed on the male's lips


He clenched his fist. He let go of his friend and rolled his eyes

"No. Nothing happened. It's just hot in here, okay?"

He grabbed the front of his own shirt, moving it back and forth to indicate he was sweaty.

Kirishima shrugged. He looked around for a little until his eyes landed on one of the girls. Her chocolate brown hair sparked an idea.

He leaned close to kat before asking

"Is it ochako"

Katsuki's pencil nearly broke in his hand as he looked to him. He didn't say anything which is worse than yelling most times

Kirishima shuffled back into his chair 'fine. Fine.' He kept scanning the room.

Katsuki noticed aizawa was gone finally. Makes sense why he hadn't been yelled at for yelling.

"Where's sensei?"

He couldn't even fathom another word before the broccoli head in front of him chirped

"He went to get more papers! And probably talk to present mic."

Katsuki's eyes couldn't roll back any harder. He turned around so he didn't have to look at him before his eyes locked with that damn kids mis-matched ones. He instantly turned red but couldn't look away, which seemed like neither of them could.

Todoroki finally broke the staring when he looked to momo who was holding her paper and pointing to a question. He responded before she got closer and kept talking. Katsuki couldn't make out what they were saying since that damn nerd was so quiet and in the back of the class. He acted so different with katsuki. He acted bubbly and warm and reminded Katsuki of cotton candy. But with everyone else he's reserved and cold. Sits up straight and only moves his eyes when looking around. Like a statue.

Katsuki turned back to the green haired boy and sighed

"Damn you're still talking?"

His voice was soft and just sounded tired.

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