Part 1

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No ones  pov 

Kiyoko, yachi, Yukie, Saeko, Miwa, and basically the past female volleyball managers were sat down in a circle shaped form on the ground, the formation looked like a bouncy rubber ball hitting the ground instead of a circle. They were talking about how fun their years in the volleyball club was. There were some complaining, random memories, and serving accidents. The girls had a not too big but not too small pile of snacks that consisted of the following:

A frozen bag of chocolate icing that was left in the freezer, shrimp cocktail, peaches, and some random candy 

Two-fifths of the girls were a bit tipsy while yukie barely hit the sack. Hitoka (yachi) went to ask shoyo (who was still sober if he) could lend her a blanket for yukie. The nice ginger man said yes, obviously. After shoyo led hitoka to the hallway closet and grabbed a blanket from the small cramped closet she walked away with the heavy, thick, brown blanket over her shoulders. Shoyo watched her go safely down the stair and soon followed.

Shoyo went back with the other males after taking a quick picture of the girls having the time of their lifes. Kuro and Daisho were getting a bit too close but shoyo thought nothing of it since they always kinda argued in high school he thought they still hated their guts but that thought quickly snapped away after he noticed they were both sober and looked like they were in love, taking another quick picture shoyo went up to the most popular couple in Japan/Argentina, Tooru and Hajime. The taller brunette was squashing the shorter black haired boy with his arms tight around his waist, Iwaizumi was red. Almost as red as Satoris past hair before he shaved it off, causing it to look lighter. Kei jogged up to shoyo then whispered something in shoyo's ear and gave him a step stool. Shoyo just looked at Kei, his face slowly lighting up. 

"That's a great idea!" Shoyo whisper yelled "yeah okay now go announce it" Kei said with a smirk growing on his face.

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