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From the deep forest came a rising sun for the next day to start. The forest was quite empty and a mysterious place to spend your time in, but that didn't stop the eerie green light from running across the forest.

A small TV robot with a blaster for a hand wandering around the depths of the forest. It would be wearing a top hat and a bowtie as accessories. It would skip and jump to certain forest obstacles that would block his wandering path, though it seemed lost. Then, it stops for a moment to look around at the trees for his way.

'What in the world is this place?' It thought.'How did I get here?'

After pausing, it would hear an echo of what seemed to be singing. Its head quickly turned to where it seemed to come from and slowly started to walk its way over to it. It would get down low to hide if it was any threat; it would duck down to the bushes and take a quick peek at what it was. The glowing green of the TV's face would go static up into small eyes that would be in shock. The color of its eyes would then turn pink. What was wrong with It?

It seemed to be taking a glance at the woman who was singing. She had long dark-brown hair, pointy ears, a black and purple dress; the robot had questions.

'It's a vampire'   It thought.

Once she stopped singing, she would then kneel at her knees and close her eyes, thinking of something, of what?

The TV boy would try it's hardest to stand up as quietly as possible to interact with her. It got out of the bush to try to tap her shoulder calmly without making any sudden noise, but he had stepped on a branch that would make a loud CRUNCH sound.

The woman would quickly turn her head with her eyes widened. She would soon stand up confused and frightened about who was this mysterious boy made out of metal and why they had a Television ahead.

"W-What are you. Who are you?!"   The woman asked in fear.

The TV boy would display text on its screened face with the letters "PJ"  alone.

"PJ? I-Is that your name?"   The woman asked.

PJ nodded and did a small wave at her.

"I have never seen this type of person before.."   It would rub its fingers on the metal material of its arms and TV side.

PJ looked at the woman to display the question in text:  "What is your name?"

"Me? o-oh well my name is Airad Spennetts,"   She said, still very hesitant about PJ.

"Well, I must get going to my castle now. It was a nice meeting, you Mister PJ."   She would look at PJ then walk off a bit.

She would stop walking and look back at PJ, assuming that he hasn't been here before.

"Hey um, I'm assuming you're lost?"  She would ask the robot. PJ would nod.

"Come with me, I can lead you to my castle and you stay for the time being."   Airad would lend out her hand.

PJ would then walk to her and hold her hand with his little robot claws. Then, finally, he would look up at her using his robot eyes.

"Let's go."  Airad smiled softly, and they would then start walking to the castle. Footprints would be planted onto the wet grass leading a trail to the castle.

A strange monstrous figure would have glowing red eyes staring at them from afar, walking out to the castle; it would turn to wander off to the darkness to remain hidden.

-end of chapter 1-

Codename: PJ 6.30 / A1R4DWhere stories live. Discover now