memories of the past

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I love you Hope Mikelson. The room went silent. It seemed like you would be able to hear a feather drop. It was so quiet. My heart was pounding but I couldn't help but stare into her diamond blue eyes. I looked down for a second embarrassed that Hope had not said a word yet. I felt my eyes start to fill up but right when I was about to give up she spoke. "Josie- i uhm." I know I'm sorry hope I didn't mean- Without any warning hope reached for my face. Her hand gently grabbed my chin. She pulled me into her and within a second I leaned into her. Her lips were soft, everything I could ever imagine. The scent of her made me more relaxed and I leaned closer into her. I pulled away for a second to breathe when I heard... "Josie pst wake up" Lizzie whispered. I sat up and started looking around me. Hope wasn't anywhere to be found; it was just me and Lizzie in our boring old room. My heart dropped and all the emotions you could feel were going through my head. All I could do was think about that dream. "Can you help me with my hair Jo?" Lizzie asked, pulling a spray bottle and hair bush out of the drawers in the bathroom. I was in a daze and completely missed this but she said it again. "Sure one sec" I responded as I usually do. I stared at the ceiling for a bit trying to get pulled back to reality. I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking about my dream of hope but I had to stop thinking about her. The thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her eyes were an emerald blue, her personality was amazing, she was a mix of bold, brave and confident basically everything I could ever dream of. And don't get me started on her looks. She is just drop dead gorgeous. "What are you even doing Jo the wall isn't that interesting." Lizzie mumbled under her breath. She didn't think I could hear her because she was trying to be extra nice these last few days but I could hear her. "Sorry." I said but then something popped in my head. Oh my gosh how could I forget it was the day Hope's mom had passed away. Every year this exact date I would always be with hope ALL DAY. It was hell for me and heaven at the same time. I wanted to help her but my romantic emotions always almost get the best of me. It just gets hard to keep it inside of me. Although I do it every year. I leaped up from my bed and brushed my teeth and hair in a good 3 minutes. I got my clothes on and rushed out of the door. "Thanks for the help with my hair." Lizzie joked as I ran out. She knew what was going on but, still I could tell she wasn't the happiest when hope got all the attention. I ran through the hallway in a rush and slowly opened the door. Hope was still sleeping when I came in so I just laid down next to her. She was looking beautiful as always but, I could tell she was having a rough day even through her dream. All I did was lay there waiting for her to wake up. After 30 minutes she woke up. She was trembling. "No mom no, please I need you." Hope cried out a wave of magic blasted through the air knocking me down onto the floor. "Oh hi Jo." she whimpered. I jumped straight up and went over to Hope. At this point she was huddled in a ball on her bed. I couldn't tell if she was crying but I guessed she was at that point. I sat next to Hope and hugged her for about 2 minutes until she looked up at me. "Hi hope." I whispered as I wiped a tear of her cheek. "Thanks for being here." Hope said her voice was shaken though and sounded dull. "Of course love." I said. "How about you try and get some more rest, okay? I'll be right here if you need anything." "Okay I will try," Hope said. She laid down and closed her eyes. I saw her start shaking more than she was before and gently lifted her head onto my lap. She felt warm, even safe. I felt comfortable around her. Her scent and vibes she gave off made me feel at home. Like I did when I was around my mom. I couldn't even imagine my mom gone. She was always there for me and was like my best friend when I was younger.
Hopes POV:
I felt Josie lift my head up onto her lap. Although I was feeling so many emotions I couldn't help but feel safe. Like nothing could ever touch me. I wanted so badly to cuddle up against her so I did. I knew I could. Especially today I could do whatever with Josie. I could cuddle with her, lay with her, hold her tight, anything basically romantic she would think she was just comforting me. I just couldn't use her like that. She doesn't like me back and even though that makes my heart ache I don't want to use her. She means too much to me. I started drifting to sleep when I felt a soft touch on my back. She was rubbing it like my mom did. I just snuggled up closer to her. After a few minutes she sank down onto a pillow and we were basically cuddling as I drifted off.

blindsided जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें