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POV Hope:
I stood at the edge of the house. "Go baby girl I'll see you soon." "Okay mom." I said. I ran out the door as fast as I could but, in the back of my eye I saw my mom get burnt alive. "NOOOOO mom?" I was shaking. Trembling even. I was soaked in sweat and my heart was beating. I bolted out of the door. I heard Josie. She was yelling my name but I had to keep running. I didn't know what else to do. I ran out of the school into the woods. As soon as I was deep enough in the woods I ripped all my clothes off and wolfed out. I ran around for a little bit, jumping off branches and logs. Running up little hills. I even at one point almost got caught by Alaric. Shit. I was supposed to have training today. I just brushed it off and kept going. I had so many feelings I just wanted it to go away. I wanted to get hurt in a way where my thoughts weren't in the way.

Josie POV:

hope? I said barely awake but startled. rubbed my eyes. The room got less blurry and I looked around again. "HOPE"? I was yelling at this point. I saw the door open and ran into the hallway. I saw a glimpse of Hope turning around the corner down the stairs. I ran as fast as I could behind her. I knew she must of gone outside to avoid people so I rushed out side. I didn't see her anymore. "HOPE" I yelled. "HOPE COME ON IM HERE." I yelled once more. I guessed she wolfed out but wasn't sure. I just walked all around the forest. "Hope I don't know where you are but I love you like a lot and really want to be here for you." I regretted saying that once it came out of my mouth. Thank god she didn't hear it but at least she would know. I found her t shirt on the floor of the forest. At this point I knew she wolfed out. I began to walk around a bit faster. "Hopeeeee." I yelled again. I suddenly saw a white wolf behind a tree. "Hey hope." I said calmly. "Come over here." I sat down and Hope walked over. I found it funny she was still in wolf form but whatever she wanted was okay with me. "Hey love." I said as Hope laid next to me she was whimpering a little bit. Hope put her big wolf head on my leg. I just pet her for awhile. I was extremely tired still tho so eventually I laid on her. Not on top but right next to her snuggled up. I suddenly feel asleep. I don't remember that but when I woke up the sun was shining on my face and Hope was just sitting next to me. Now she was in human form. I just looked at her and sat up. It was an invitation for cuddles. That's what we did know it seemed like. Hope just snuggled up closer to me and laid her head on my lap. "I'm sorry for leaving" Hope whispered. I played with her hair. "Oh Hope don't be sorry. How about we go back into your room?" I started to get up and carefully lift Hope off of me but she just grabbed my hand. "Please stay it's quite down here." She said. I looked in her gorgeous eyes and just couldn't say no. I gave her a smile and we sat in happy silence.

Hope POV:
I loved it out in the forest. The peacefulness really made me feel at home. With Josie it felt like paradise. I enjoyed sitting there with her. I daydreamed the whole time about our future together. Suddenly Lizzie appeared out of nowhere.
"Josie, I need your help. I uhm-." Lizzie said. "Lizzie, come on not right now" I said. I guess I didn't mean to say that it just came out. I wanted Josie and only Josie and Lizzie fucked it up. "What the fuck Hope. That's messed up." Josie said. She was mad, I could tell. "I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to, I swear." I tried to say. "Forget it. talk to you later." Josie mumbled. When it came to Lizzie Josie would do anything. It was weird though because her anger turned me on but broke me too. I just sat there after Josie left and gave me a glare.

Josie POV:
I grabbed Lizzies hand. "What's wrong sis?" I asked. I tried to keep my voice cool and collected but it was hard after blowing up at Hope. I felt really bad now because of the last 24 hours but, still she shouldn't have said that. "Well" Lizzie started "I-. Dad is keeping a secret and I can't control myself. It seems so big but yet so secretive and closed off to me." Lizzie quickly blurted out. "It's gonna be okay Lizzie. We will go and have him tell us right now. Okay?" I said even though inside I was panicked too. "Okay." Lizzie said she looked more calm now. We walked into my dad's office a couple minutes earlier. My heart was racing but I wasn't prepared for half of the stuff that was told to me. I walked out of the room with a blank mind. I am going to die at 22? I couldn't kill Lizzie. I would rather die than kill Lizzie but, I want to live with Hope my whole life. I walked straight to Hope's room. Tears were coming down my cheeks and I was about to burst. I opened the door to see something that destroyed me. Hope was making out with Landon. I stood there at the doorway shocked. Tears were streaming down my face at this point. I was having trouble breathing but this time I couldn't move. "Jo- what's wrong?" Hope asked. She ran up to me. I was shaking but all I could do was stand there. I fell into her arms. Hope caught me and slowly brought me to the ground. She picked me up like a baby and sat me on her bed. "Landon, go please. I'll talk to you in the morning." Hope said. "Okay." Landon said as he hurried out of the room. "Oh Jo." Hope said as she cuddled me. I couldn't help but cry. I buried my face in her arm. "I'm sorry." Is all I could say at the time.

Hope POV:
"Oh babe you don't have to be sorry you did nothing but support me and even save my life you deserve the whole world don't be sorry." Josie looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with love when she looked me in the eye. I kissed her on the forehead and picked her up like she was a little baby to put her on my lap. I just hugged her tightly and gently rubbed back. She stopped shaking after about 5 minutes and finally sat up. She moved off my lap and to my side where she laid her head on me. "Are you ready to talk about what happened love?" I said, playing with her hair. "Yeah." Josie sniffled. She snuggled right up close to me. When she opened her mouth she started to cry more. I wiped her tears and just comforted her. "Whenever you are ready Jo. I'll wait a million years for you." I whispered to her. After a few minutes Jo started to tell me the whole story with the Gemini coven twins, her mom, aunts, uncles and her merge at 22. "Oh Josie I'm so sorry." I said really concerned. I held her tight and just rocked her back and forth. The door opened. I saw Lizzie walk slowly towards us. I took Josie in my arms and got up walking towards Lizzie. I put Jo down on her feet and hugged them both. "Hey guys." Lizzie said. I whispered a spell under my breath and in a second we were all swooped onto the bed. I was in the middle. Jo on my left and Lizzie on my right. I hugged Lizzie and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry about it all" I whispered to her. I laid on my back and Jo cuddled up against me just like Lizzie. Except Lizzie was there just as a friend but Jo seemed to want more than just a cuddle. I squeezed them both as they started to drift off. I gently lifted Jo over me into the middle of the bed so she could be with her twin. They were really close and needed one another too. I put one of my arms over Josie and hugged her closely as she drifted off. She put her leg in between mine before falling completely asleep too. I knew right then and there I had completely fallen in love with Josie. "Can I get you guys anything?" I whispered before I let myself go to sleep. There was only a slight response from Josie, "just stay next to me." She groaned before drifting off.

I woke up to Alaric bursting into the room as loudly as he could. "Hope you can't miss training a-." He stopped mid sentence when he saw his girls with me. I just gave him a slightly dirty look and cuddled Josie closer to me. Now her legs were on top of mine too. "Here you can take one more day off to take care of my girls." Alaric said. He walked over and gave each of us a kiss on the forehead before walking off into who knows where. "He is a fucking horrible dad." Lizzie mumbled. "Agreed." Josie said. Jo rolled over to look me in the eyes. She looked down at my lip and bit hers. I looked her in the eyes and just hugged her. I could have kissed her but with everything going on I wanted to keep the friendship. If I lost it I would be lost. I pulled out of the hug and just layed right up next to her. Lizzie looked at us up and down and just bursted out laughing. "You stupid stupid kids." Lizzie said. "Let me join the friendly circle." She joked leaning into our huddle. We all sat in silence half asleep. After about an hour. The bell rang. "Oh shit." Lizzie groaned. She jumped up and ran out of the room. "Bye guys." She yelled before leaving the room. Josie suddenly looked me straight in the eyes and said, "What's going on between you and Landon." "We just had a kiss, I mean he's really cool but I like someone else a lot more. They just will never like me back so I got bad and went with Landon." I said. "Okay." Josie said, rushing out of the room.

hey so I don't really like this and have new hosie ideas so if you want me to continue comment otherwise I'll be working on a new hosie story 🤌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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