Ch 14- Good Bye Road

866 95 42

Rhane Park

"Want you to come on out and have fun, want us to have the time of our life"

We stood there at the concert venue, the feeling of euphoria taking over our overly-excited bodies.

Everybody seemed to be friendly, perfect strangers who were screaming loudest would turn to each other with knowing glances and smile because they were sharing the same excitement and connecting with one another over their love of this man's music.

There was no pushing or shoving to get closer to the stage – it wasn't that kind of crowd.

After scanning the surreal moment, I turned to the man beside me who had his mouth smiling widely and his eyes were staring in amazement at the incredible performances at the stage.

When I laid my eyes on him, a compressing feeling in my chest was felt, almost like everything had seemed to pause in the background.

Waves of little lights illuminated like stars in his eyes, his smile adding up to the breath-taking view that had little to do with the concert.

It was majestic.

He was vibing with the blasting music while I could only hear my own heartbeat, it was slow but it was content- I was happy because Doyoung was happy.


This is how you fall in love.

His smile made me smile and his heart was connected to mine, right at that very moment I hope everything would just pause so I could take time and photograph this.

Almost mindlessly I grabbed his hand which made him turn his head to me, shocked by what I just did but still had his smile glued to his face.

"This is my first concert," I hinted to his wondering face, half-shouting my words because of all the noise that I seemed to care less about

"You should've told me, I could've gotten us VIP tickets and a backstage pass," he said then went back to bopping his head to the music

"That would be too extravagant, Mr. Rich-guy," I opposed and averted my gaze to the whole dome of little flickering lights

"No, seriously I could've gotten you a backstage pass so you could meet the love of your life, Jae," he insisted

"Love-of-my-life my ass," I mocked his cheesy remark "No need for pricy concert tickets," I added

"Just promise me that you'll stick around with me until the next one," I immediately regretted saying that because his expression shifted and his eyes turned to me

"You know I can't promise that," he said, serious

"You have to promise me," I said sternly, the atmosphere around us seemed to change its mood, it suddenly felt quiet even though it clearly wasn't

"For you, Rhane, I'll promise," he said sincerely

His eyes. His eyes were the sincerest, a while ago it showed bliss and euphoria but now, it reflected longing and regret.

"Well, you could've gotten me that backstage pass though," I joked and nervously smiled at him, hoping that this would get him back to his mood a while ago and luckily it did, he just chuckled and cheered up again then continued jumping up and down

I removed the thought off of my head. Why did I have to ruin such happiness that he rarely gets?

I just tried hard to focus at the moment until I didn't realize that it was already almost over, people were now clearing off and sadly saying good-byes to their new-found friends.

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