preface + characters and info

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Thank you for taking the time to read this book of mine, I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me. As said in the description I do not own any of the characters in this story, except for Daphne Stark, all the others belong to the MCU and Star Wars producers and founders. 

I will be updating this book every once and a while and since the chapters are so long, it might take a while for me to get the next chapter out, so please be patient with me, I promise that I will try and get a chapter done in maximum time of two weeks. If it takes longer, don't be concerned or anything, I will always bring out a next chapter until the end of the book.

This story evolves more around the MCU, but Star Wars is also within the mix, so if you don't know much about Star Wars as a Marvel fan, just look up some basics to understand, what the Star Wars parts of the story are about and who the characters in that story are, but most of the story contains MCU content. 

Don't forget to vote and have fun reading my book.

Some information:

- the book takes place at the same time as infinity war; there are some changes to how things go down and what happens, so don't be confused with the actions in the book. Some scenes however are taken out of the movie, so also some scenes don't belong to me, but to the producers of these Sci-Fi movies

- Some of the infinity stone locations are also changed in this book

- some stuff in general might me unrealistic, but I don't care and this is not really an AU but a story so with a lot of 3. person perspective writing and direct speech


Daphne Sadie Stark

This is sort of Daphnes visual, she has green eyes and brown, curly kind of hair                                  (so you have an idea of how Daphne is suppose to look like)

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This is sort of Daphnes visual, she has green eyes and brown, curly kind of hair                                  (so you have an idea of how Daphne is suppose to look like)

for the rest of the MCU characters I probably don't have to do a visual but here are the characters that say a lot in this story (so the main MCU characters):

Tony Stark - Natasha Romanoff - Wanda Maximoff - Loki Laufeyson - Thor Odinson - Steve Rogers   Bucky Barnes - Vision 

(the others also say stuff, but these are the main speakers of the MCU parts)

Star Wars characters


Poe (left) and Finn (right)

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Poe (left) and Finn (right)

Kylo Ren (also known as Ben Solo)

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Kylo Ren (also known as Ben Solo)

Kylo Ren (also known as Ben Solo)

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BB8 (a droid/ robot)

BB8 (a droid/ robot)

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Leia Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

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Luke Skywalker

Palpatine (the Dark Lord Darth Sidious)

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Palpatine (the Dark Lord Darth Sidious)

Since probably some of you readers didn't watch Star Wars yet, here are visuals of the most important characters of the Star Wars universe portrayed in my story

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Since probably some of you readers didn't watch Star Wars yet, here are visuals of the most important characters of the Star Wars universe portrayed in my story

(posted: 07/07/2021)

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