-chapter two-

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we time traveled to the 1600's and stood in front of the official "Reinstone Academy for Young Mages" grinning like maniacs. we calmed ourselves and i knocked on the office door.

"hello young ones. i am headmaster sally mallet but you can call me sally" said the headmaster. "your names are?"

"im Aggro Vex and my friends name is Valkyrie Cain." i said answering the question.

"okay girls please follow me" sally said. "Girls i think you two will be spending your time with a nice young man  by the name of Skulduggery Pleasant"

we followed sally up to the group of the younger version dead men and she tapped a young boy on the shoulder just as the bell rang out. the young version of dexter ran into me and i flipped onto my already painful back. a loud crack echoed out through the empty cafeteria, i groaned painfully rolling onto my side. 

"are you alright?" the boy with chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes asked my.

"yes. i'll be fine." i groaned putting my hands under my chest and heaving myself up. Valkyrie and the boy version of skulduggery grabbed one side each and helped me to my feet. "thank you both" i said embarrassed. 

we followed skulduggery to the room we were sharing and my apple watch buzzed as we all walked into the room. "what was that!?" skulduggery asked sitting up on his bed.

i answered his question and the next bell rang out. 

"Okay, girls we have Physical Combat up now we have to jump into the gym clothes or our choice." skulduggery told us.

i slid of my bed and rolled to my knees grabbing my bag of clothes and plucking my gym clothes of the top. Valkyrie held a towel i packed, up to cover me as i slipped my pants of and slipped my boxers over my feet and up my legs. i slipped my shirt and bra off and replaced then with a tight fitting sports bra.

i did the same thing for val and we wrapped our towels around our necks and waited until skulduggery was changed and stood between us. we linked arms and walked down the halls to our Physical Combat class. we unlinked arms and skulduggery pushed the doors open.

the teacher walked over and observed what val and i were wearing.

"Sorry we're late sir." i said.

we spoke with the teacher for a minute and before he walked away i asked "can i go up against your best fighter?"

"your standing right next to him." Mr Martin answered.

i nodded my head and skipped into the far left corner of the fight ring and beckoned for skulduggery to join me.

"you're making a mistake" the young version of dexter said.

"I wouldn't test that theory." i said sweetly as skulduggery entered the ring.

"Three." Mr Martin called. "Two. One."

i crouched into my boxing crouch and the crowd took a sharp intake of breath.

i always knew how to get my opponent to strike first, which, for one surprised me skulduggery struck first. that was his mistake. i swung out giving him a good brain shake, throwing my leg up i side flipped in the air over skulduggery's back and caught him in the jaw sending him into the side of the ring. he used that momentum to fling himself at me he gave me two free open handed palm shots to the jaw and i ended the brawl by sweeping his feet out from under him.

i suicide dived out of the ring and landed with a shoulder roll and sat next to val flicking my towel to my sweaty face rubbing it off and sinking a whole bottle of water.

i walked back over to skulduggery who was still on his back and grabbed his hand, that was a mistake. skulduggery pulled me down on top of him and kissed me. there was a snarl that came from china sorrows everyone backed away as china stalked angerly up to the boxing ring as i threw myself up. my soft milky brown eyes turned blood red as china pulled her self, gracefully, into the now tense boxing ring.

"what the fuck is your problem? i'm serious, this is ridiculous,  why the fuck do you hate me and Val!?" i snarled.

China stayed quiet, glaring at me. "i see what's going on here." i stated "i'll be back princess."

i teleported to my room and grabbed my "so not inconspicuous looking laptop" and teleported back to our PC class playing my music. 

"Dance Fight!" i said grinning maliciously "people like you dont know people at my level of power. wait. did i just here that you have been BULLING people." a growl pulled itself on the edge of my voice

-valduggery- aggery- a suspicious vacationWhere stories live. Discover now