The Friendship problem

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It was another calm morning in Ponyville, Fluttershy was still sleeping with her pet Angel when Rarity came into her house. "Hello Fluttershy, We need to visit Canterlot today! Won't that be fun? Two friends out on a peaceful day...." said Rarity to Fluttershy excitedly.  "Oh, Is it morning already?! I didn't even notice! Ok Rarity, we shall go to Canterlot, only after we meet Twilight to ask her about her Friendship map," replied Fluttershy to Rarity.

"Okay, so when are we heading to Twilight's castle?" asked Rarity smirking. "We're going right now," and just as Fluttershy said the last words, Rarity's and Fluttershy's cutie marks started glowing. "Oh, I think we need to solve a friendship problem today! I thought we would go to Canterlot and have a great time," said Rarity as she looked at her cutie mark frowningly.

"Oh don't get sad Rarity, we'll go to Canterlot as soon as we finish solving the friendship problem," said Fluttershy trying to console her friend. "Ok, as you say," said Rarity as the duo headed towards Twilight's palace. "OK, we have arrived here, let's go and meet Twilight," said Fluttershy as they two went inside the castle.

"Hey, Twilight! We saw our cutie marks glowing, so where should we go and solve this... Friendship problem?" asked Rarity as her eyes darted towards the Cutie map. "Well, you have to solve the Friendship problem at Canterlot," replied Twilight. "Is it?! I can't believe it! Actually, we were heading to Canterlot to have a great time, and then our cutie marks started glowing and so we thought we'd miss a chance to go to Canterlot, but it looks like we ARE going there!" said Rarity excitedly. 

My Little Pony: Problem at CanterlotWhere stories live. Discover now