Chapter Six: Royals, A Video, and An Accident

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Story P.O.V.

        A month passed and all seemed great. Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's relationship stayed strong, they hung out with their friends, Applejack's parents were okay, the whole school learned that Rainbow Dash was mythical creature, and Rainbow stayed in contact with her old friends; but Rainbow's aunt and uncle were acting increasingly suspicious, and Rainbow Dash was moodier than usual and was constantly nauseous. Little did everyone know, they were now entering the calm before the storm.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.

        Rainbow Dash woke up at two in the morning on Thursday, and quickly got dressed in a fitted dark blue long-sleeve shirt, dark purple almost black riding pants, her black cowboy boots, and a black jacket. She threw two more outfits in her backpack that were more suitable to wear to school along with a pair of heels, before silently running to her kitchen and making herself some French toast. She wrapped her breakfast in a paper towel, wrote a note telling her aunt and uncle that she couldn't sleep so she had decided to start her day early, grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, and ran out the door, stopping long enough to lock the door behind her. Rainbow Dash ran to the end of the block before allowing herself to slow to a walk. She ate her French toast as she walked towards Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow had overheard her aunt and uncle talking about how the Queen and King of Equestria would be visiting Canterlot High School, and had planned on telling her right before they left for work at six in the morning, so she got up early and left before they could tell her to stay home from school today. Once Rainbow finished her food she put in her earbuds and broke into run. She made it to Sweet Apple Acres by 2:30am. Rainbow Dash took her earbuds out as she walked towards her horse trailer parked next to the barn. Rainbow put her backpack in the small living area, grabbed Night Diamond's tack, and headed to the barn. She set the tack down, and went back to get Night Diamond's grooming supplies. Rainbow Dash then said a quiet hello to all the horses, groomed Diamond, tacked her up, and led her out of the barn. Rainbow led Night Diamond past the training rings towards the trails. When they got close to the trails, Rainbow mounted Diamond and nudged her into a trot. Once the farmhouse was out of sight, Rainbow nudged Diamond into a canter.

*Author's Note: I changed Night Diamond's name from Midnight Star to Night Diamond because there will be another Midnight Star later on in the story, and I didn't want things to get confusing with two people/creatures with the same name.*

        Rainbow Dash allowed herself to relax under the cover of night, with the wind in her hair and the steady rhythm of hoofbeats in her ears. She smiled and let out a joyful laugh. Rainbow rode to a special clearing at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. She slowed Diamond to a trot then a walk, and then a halt. Rainbow dismounted and led Diamond into the clearing. The clearing had lush green grass, and a stream cutting through it. The water of the stream sparkled and danced in the moonlight. "Night Diamond, stay in this clearing, don't wonder off," said Rainbow releasing her. Diamond snorted in response. Rainbow walked over and sat on the rocks near the stream. She used her magic to summon her flute. Rainbow closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the water tumbling over the rocks, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and the crickets singing their song. She took a deep breath and began to play her flute; the music harmonizing perfectly with the nighttime melody of the forest.

*Time Skip*

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V.

        Rainbow Dash rode right up to the barn, before dismounting and leading Night Diamond into the barn. She removed Diamond's tack and groomed her, and then put Night Diamond back in her stall. Rainbow walked over to where she had Night Diamond's tack balanced on the door of the empty stall next to Diamond's, but tripped in exhaustion and landed on the stack of hay bales stacked in front of the empty stall out of the horses reach, ready to be divided among the horses in a couple hours. She decided that she was very comfortable, so she shifted into her wolf form to stay warm, curled up, and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

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