Part One - The Letter

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A/n: Hello! Thank you for reading my story! There will probobly be spelling mistakes... but I'll try my best to make sure there arn't that many! :)

"Shit! I'm going to be late!" you yell as you run through the wall in between platforms nine and ten. You hear the Hogwarts Express blow it's horn and then it slowly starts to move. But just in time you jump onto the train. You then start walking down the halls to find your friends (Ginny, Luna, Harry, Ron, and Hermione). After a minute of walking you find all of your friends sitting in a compartment, you walk in.
"Y/n! We thought you missed the train!" yells Ginny.
"Yea... I almost did!" you say out of breath. You sit down by the window.

You evenchally fall asleep and when you wakeup you are at Hogwarts. You and all of your friends get off the train and go to the great hall. You say goodbye to your friends and go to the Slytherin table. The only emtey seat is by none other than your arch enemy, Draco Malfoy.
"Are you kidding me right now? It's the first day of school and I half to sit by Draco Malfoy?!" you think to yourself. You hesetantly walk over and sit down beside him.
"Why don't you go sit with your filthy blood trador friends y/l/n?!" Draco scoffs at you.
"Oh shut up Malfoy! You know we half to sit at our house tables!" you yell back to him.
You finish eating your dinner and deside to go to your dorm that you shair with Pansy.
"Hey y/n! I didn't see you at dinner! How was your summer?" Pansy says as you walk in the dorm.
"ummm... it was ok" you say as you looking at your left forarm.
"oh... right... you owled me about that... how are you doing?" She asked conserned.
"um, I'm doing ok. I'm just nervus thats all..."
"well, if you need anything then just ask! I'm sure I can help!"
"thank you Pansy!" you say as she hugs you.

*knock, knock*

Pansy opens the door and picks up a letter.
"It's adressed for you y/n."
You rip open the envilope and read the letter.

Meet me at the room of requirments as soon as you read this!

"I-I need to go." you wisper nervously.
"where?" Pansy asked conserned.
"I can't tell you... I'm sorry" you say as you run out the door.

    Sorry for the short chapter! But rn I'm just trying to get this story going! <3

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