Part Two - The Start of the Task

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You walk as fast as you can down the halls to the room of requirments. You have an idea of where it is because your mother and father told you before the school term started. The door apears and you walk in.
"took you long engough!" Draco says as he apears behind the vanishing cabinet.
"I'm so sorry" you say sarcasticly. "Now how exacly do we fix this thi-"
"I don't know" Draco interupts.
"Then why the hell did you tell me to meet you here?!"
"I jus- I just need-"
"My help?" you say finishing his sentence.
"Yes..." he replys.
"Did it really pain you that much to ask for my help!?" you say trying not to laugh.
"Shut the hell up y/l/n!" he yelled angerly.
"Do you want my help or not?"
"f-fine! What do you suggest we do then?!" he wispers angerly. You put a fake smile on your face and say, "well, my suggestion would be to meet up together in the library after calsses, sneek into the restricted section and find a book with a good engough mending spell." Draco thinks to himself for a minute and finally says, "alright. Directly after classes, meet me in the back of the library."
"see you then, Malfoy." you say as you walk away. You go back to your dorm and find that Pansy is already asleep. You deside to get your pajamas on and go to bed.

When you wakeup the next morning, Pansy is already gone. You get dressed in your school uniform and go to the great hall for breakfast. You sit down by Pansy.
"Hey, y/n."
"Hi, Pansy."
You and Pansy talk about random stuff when eating your breakfast. "We might want to start heading to our first class." You say.
"Yea, what class do you have first?" Pansy asked.
"N.E.W.T's potions with professor Slughorn...yay..." you say disappointed  because you've always hated potions class. "Dont be like that!... Because I also have potions first!" Pansy says happily.
"Thank God we have potions together! 'Cuse I dont think I could survive it alone!" You say laughing.

You and Pansy walk to potions together. When you walk in you are happy to see Hermione is in the same class as you. But then you see him. Of cource he was in your first class of the day.
'You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!' you think. Of cource! Draco fucking Malfoy was going to be in your very first class (that you hated) every single day.
"Are you kidding me?" Pansy says annoyed.
"What?" you respond back questioning what could posibly be worse than being in the same class and Draco.
"The Granger girl is going to be in our very first class for the rest of the year!" she whisper yells at you.
"Have you forgoten that she is my friends, Pansy?" you ask.
"Oh right! I'm sorry y/n. I just forgot!" She says kindly. You were about to say something back but you got interupted by Harry and Ron sprinting into the room.
Professor Slughorn looks happy to see Harry and says, "Ah, Harry me boy I was begining to worry." He looks at Ron, " And you've brought someone with us I see..."
Ron starts to walk out the room, saying that potions are't really his 'thing'. Professor Slughorn insests him to stay and tells everyone to get there books out.
"Erm, Professor. I don't have my book and nor has Ron..." Harry says. Professor Slughorn tells them that they can borrow one. Profesor Slughorn start telling the class what potion you will be brewing today.
"This is Filx Felises, otherwise known as Liquid Luck." Slughorn says holding up a small vile with a potion inside. "This will be reworded for whoever makes the potion correctly." When Slughorn said that, you and Draco looked at eachother, knowing that you both would need luck with finding a proper mending spell to fix the vanishing cabinet.
"Let the brewing comence!" Slughorn says happily, and you start working on your potion right away.

10 minutes later

"This potion is impossible!" Pansy yells.
"For real!" You say disappointed. "And I really needed that potion..."
"I needed it too!" Pansy says sadly.
"Why do you need it?"
"I was... going to try... and ask out Blaize..." Pansy said quietly.
"Pansy! You dont need luck for that! Blaize is totally into you!"
"You really think so?" She asked bashfully.
"It's so obvious, Pansy! You should ask him after class!"
She thinks for a moment and says, "oh alright! I'll ask Blaize after class!"

45 minutes later

Professor Slughorn starts walking around the room testing everyone's potions. So far, everyone's was a complete train wreck. You lost hope in your potion after Hermione's potion didn't even make the cut. And of course... your potion didnt workout. Slughorn then went over to test Draco's potion. And for the first time in your life, you actually hoped that Draco would succeed in brewing a proper potion. You had your eyes locked on his potion as Slughorn tested it. You wached as absolutely nothing happened.
"Sorry mr Malfoy, but I'm afraid you have failed to brew the proper potion." Slughorn says as he walks over to test other students potions. After a minute you hear Slughorn say, "T-This us perfect!" You look up and see he was saying that to Harry! Everyone was shocked! Especially Hermione who was always on top of all her classes. 'So... I guess Draco and I will just haft to find a proper mending spell on our own hands... without the potion.' You think to yourself. You start to walk out the door, you look behind you and see Pansy talking to Blaize. You can't help but smile as you walk out of the room.

You attend to all your classes and you were happy to find out that Draco wasn't in anymore of them. But now, you had to see him again, because you need to help find a mending spell for the cabinet. You walk to the back of the library where you decide to meet at.
"Again... where the hell were you? We were so posted to meet five minutes ago!"
"I was talking to my friends!" You say annoyed.
"This isn't social hour y/l/n! We need to fix the cabinet!"
By this time you are annoyed by him.
"This is literally the second day of school Malfoy! We have all year!"
"We might as well get this over with!" Draco yells at you.
"Part of this is your falt!" You say even though you know it's not true.
"How the hell is this my falt?" Draco questions.
"Oh I don't know? Maybe because you're always bragging about how good you are at potions!" You reply trying to make up an excuse.
"That has nothing to do with this! Hell, even Granger didn't get it right!" Draco yelled back.
"Don't bring Hermione into this!" You yell at him because he always has it out for her.
Draco starts to get angry now and says, "oh yea, I forgot that you are some stupid muggle loveing blood traitor!" Then he whispers, "I cant believe I'm going to haft to marry you!"
It take you a minute to process what he just said.
"W-What did you say?"
He looks at you with anger in his eyes,  "I said that you are just a st-"
"No! Not that! The last part! What do you mean we are getting married?!" You asked him shocked.

   This chapter is a little bit longer!! I hope you enjoy the story so far! <3

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