Chapter One: Numbers On The Wall

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To say the last few months had been rocky for the Fang Gang would be an understatement. Angel had agreed to take over Wolfram and Hart on two conditions- that Cordy would be restored to full health and to give his son a new life.

Although Angel's wishes had been fulfilled he was plagued with nightmares at night- it was always the same, Cordy always died and Connor always hated him. It was as if Wolfram and Hart took back what they had granted even though Angel had done what they asked. Cordy's memories of the last year or so were blurry but she still knew and felt what had happened on a certain level.

But one night his dreams were different- it was cloudy but Angel could just about make out their old home, the Hyperion Hotel. He could hear Connor crying as a baby. He felt as if something was calling him there. The dream bothered him so much that he told the gang- Fred, Cordy, Gunn, Wes and Lorne to meet him there discretely so Wolfram and Hart wouldn't get suspicious.

Angel told the others to wait outside and he went in alone. 10 minutes passed before the gang sent Wesley in after him.

"Angel, what is it?" Wesley said urgently as he went inside and saw a huge pattern printed on the wall of the lobby. It was just rows of numbers with no apparent order. A numerical pattern.

Angel moved closer to the pattern. "I don't know exactly it just, feels familiar. From somewhere."

"Maybe if you try you can pinpoint where you know it from?" Wesley tried suggesting helpfully, sensing that Angel was extremely bothered.

"I've got a couple hundred years to search through, you might want to put the kettle on!" Angel said as he sat down.

"I've been having dreams. Something pulled me here, whatever it is wanted me to see this" Angel said quietly.

"Did anything else happen in the dream?" Wesley asked cautiously.

"I heard Connor cry. This must be some kind of warning. I think we should all stay here for now."

"To keep Connor here, we'd have to give him his old memories back."

"Find a way to make it temporary" Angel said "There's no way I can protect him if he's not here."

"Okay" Wesley sighed and continued "Angel if this is unknown territory maybe we need to think about contacting Giles and see if anyone can be spared to work with us. Especially with Spike off on his mission."

"Call Giles" Angel said simply.

Wesley dialled Giles' number quickly, despite many years having past Wesley was still bothered by how much Giles looked down upon him. Too much like his father had treated him, perhaps.

"Yes, I know Giles but this is urgent. Very urgent. We have no idea if it's a warning, or..." Wesley kept being cut off.

Angel grabbed the phone from him "I need you to start being helpful right this second or I'll be getting my group on a flight to you and if this is a warning, whatever's coming will be paying you and your new army a visit as well."

The Fang Gang had heard through the grape vine about the activation spell and the new slayer organisation.

Giles was stunned into silence on the other line for about 30 seconds before he said "I have Faith and Robin in the area. I'm sure with your history they'll be happy to help."

Angel just handed the phone back to Wesley who managed to say a short thank you before hanging up.

Wesley turned to Angel "Well we got something out of talking to him. They should be here in a few hours he said."

Just as Giles predicted a few hours later, Faith arrived at the hotel and was greeted by a hug from Angel which lasted for about 2 minutes.

When Angel let her go, Faith looked him in the eyes "Giles made it sound pretty serious over the phone."

"We don't know a lot yet but I just can't take any chances so we're all leaving tonight. We're going to find woods to hide out in until we figure something out."

Faith shrugged "Wow. We're running? I'm game. Just wondering what's scared you so much."

Angel showed Faith the pattern on the wall but of course the numbers meant nothing to her.

"I know it doesn't look scary" Angel laughed a bit "But I feel something when I look at it, I'm still trying to figure it out".

Faith put her hand over Angel's when she saw it start to shake.

"It's fine, I'm taking it seriously. Let's run from some numbers."

"Thank you" Angel said softly.

Wesley came to look at the pair and turned to Faith.

"Isn't there supposed to be someone called Robin with you?"

"Yeah, we were hunting buddies" Faith shrugged "I kind of ditched him about a week ago and I never told Giles. Do you want me to call him?"

"No, doesn't matter. I think we'll be leaving soon." Wesley replied.

"Cool" Faith said relieved.

Angel looked at her oddly before leaving to tell everyone to pack.

Connor returned with his memories restored up until he killed Jasmine. Angel had filled him in on the rest. The gang were on the road within the hour.

AN: This is my first real attempt at writing Buffyverse fanfic. I'd love to know any thoughts/requests :)

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