week 1

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Hellooo loves, alongside my shifting journaling i decided i also want to keep a dream journal!! quick disclaimer this first chapter is from 2 years ago but i thought this was hilarious so I'm posting it anyway lol.

July 7, 2021:

I had a dream about Harry Potter. So, I was in some random town I have never seen before, and I got in a car and drove. I don't remember exactly where I drove to. I eventually arrived at a library. I climbed the fence and knocked on the door, and a priest opened it???? He was holding a crossbow, but once he realized it was me, he let me in. Inside was a lady and a man asleep on the floor. I had to quickly hid because Voldemort was coming to inspect the place. I opted to lay on the ground and pretend to sleep (why did I think that was the best hiding spot???). He walks in and starts to look around at the books. I forgot why, but he kills the lady. The priest got upset, so he tried to attack voldemort but got killed too. I had stood up for some reason???? And voldemort saw me, but before he could kill me, I grabbed a bag of Mangas (idk why that was so important, lol) and booked it. I can't remember the rest, but I know I met another girl and was flying.


ok that's it, i'll post the up-to-date logs starting next Monday and I'll try to post updates every Monday!! ty for reading!!

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