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They hit the water, the cold sea enveloping them like a blanket, before plunging into the murky depths.

"Remember, hold your breath" Hannibal had whispered to Will on the way down, barely audible over the rush of the night air.

Before he could think, Hannibal was kicking them up to the surface. He tried to help, but could only do so much.

Only when they got to the top, did they let go of each other. Clouds of blood bloomed around them. He gasped for air, trying to get enough into his lungs.

"Are you alright?" Hannibal, having just enough energy, spoke.

Will did not answer.

"Will?" He looked around and saw him unconscious. Hannibal grabbed Will and held him. The combination of freezing waters and blood loss is extremely hard to overcome. He held the agent's limp body close to him, conserving body heat.

Hannibal was losing energy fast, his bullet wound aching. The psychiatrist swam toward the rocks with Will in his arms. His limbs were getting seriously tired when he finally made it to a small skerry and climbed up, pulling WIll with him. The waves violently crashed into the rock, making it harder to get up.

Finally getting to the top, Hannibal laid the Will on his back. Hannibal took the agent's shirt off to stop the bleeding in Will's stomach. There wasn't anything he could do about his ear at the moment. He started pumping Will's chest. It seemed to go on forever with no results.

Finally, Will's eyes shot open and he coughed up a mix of water and blood.


"Damn it!" Jack slammed his hand on the wheel of the car, hearing the radio.

"Sir, they aren't here." An officer said over the comms.

The FBI agent grabbed the handheld radio and brought it up to his face. "You better find them. What other locations could they be?"

"There is one more place, sir, but it is likely it's not the right location."

"I don't give a damn, send me the address and get there. Now!" He throws the receiver onto the passenger seat and waits for the notification.


After looking at his phone, Jack grabs the radio once again. "I'll be there." He starts the police car and begins driving.


"Will, you need to stay with me. You're losing a lot of blood and we need to leave" Hannibal put his hand on Will's cheek and lightly tapped it. The smaller man's eyelids kept fluttering open and closed.

The psychiatrist helps Will sit up, and Hannibal looks around for a beach. 

"It's all rock," Will mumbles, his head drooping. "There's no way we can get to land without a boat."

Hannibal realises he hasn't done anything about his injury. He takes his sweater off and ties it around his bullet wound.

Way out at sea, Hannibal sees a small boat. He holds his hand above his hands and waves.

The person in the boat notices and starts moving towards them.

"Found our boat."

Will is slowly becoming weaker, though more awake.

"Hey, is everything alright up there?" a man calls up at the two.

"Sir, please help us, we were fishing and our boat crashed, we've been stranded for a while," Hannibal shouts down to the man. "What's your name?"

"My name is Peter, mister. What about you?"

"My name is Hannibal, and my... " he paused, "friend is Will. He's been seriously hurt and needs medical attention."

Peter throws an anchor over the side of his boat and tries to climb the skerry. Hannibal grabs his hand and pulls him up. He has short ginger hair and a 5 o'clock shadow, with green eyes.

"Wow, you guys are all covered in blood."The boater eyes them up and down.

"As I said, we crashed and got injured," Hanibal replies.

" about we carry Will here onto the boat first?" Peter says.

"Sounds fine to me."

Hannibal helps the FBI agent to his feet and starts walking him toward the edge. Peter climbs down and helps him into the boat.

Hannibal climbs in and pulls Peter in after.

"Alright, let's get you guys to l-" The fisherman's neck is snapped before he could finish the sentence. His body dropped to the floor and Hannibal throws it overboard.

He pulls up the anchor and starts guiding the boat towards the rocks.


"This is the place..." Jack trails off as he's looking at the front of the beachside house. He picks up the radio receiver "Leave no stone unturned. We have to find them."

FBI agents swarm the house, finding only broken glass and blood. When they get outside, though, they find one body, not being either of the ones Jack was hoping to find.

Jack walks to the edge of the cliff, looking out at the sea in defeat.

"Sir." an agent called behind him. When he turned around, the man who called for him was holding a camera.


Will and Hannibal watch from the water as the kaleidoscope of red, blue, and white flashing lights fill the house as they escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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