Hi hello my name is gray

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Probably the only part.

Gray POV:

It was a normal first day at the middle school. All the kids getting dropped off and getting to class.
When a horn honked and a woman yelled "I love you sweetie!"
'Poor kid probably embarrassed, that's tough.'
The first years we're getting lost as usual. This is my time, I thought.

"GO TO CLASS OR YOU WILL GET A WEEK OF DETENTION!" I yelled at the newborn 6 th graders. Most flinched and only one just glared at me rolled his eyes and walked past. B/tch, I thought.

I am the principal at Westmore Middle School and I hate most people in this d@nm world expect for my friends ofc. Then why did I become a principal you may ask? Well I was bored, I like having some sort of power, and I hate kids so I yell at them here all that I want.

The bell rings and people head off to class the taller and bigger kids trampling the younger ones. I cHuCkLeD inside my head. 'Losers'

The same kid that rolled his eyes at me walked into a classroom. 'So I'll see that room a surprise visit today'

Time Skip to PE:

I watched kids run outside as the bell rang. Again the same kid walked outside with a Westmore school shirt on. I walked outside to watch the PE cause it was usually interesting. The coach watched me sit down on the bleachers and started to get nervous.

"Okay today we will play tag but with flags." He explained. He started separating the kids into two groups. " You guys" he pointed to a group "will be the shirts, and you guys are the skins." He pointed to the other group of kids that were definitely smaller or younger cause one looked rather big.

A small guy ended up getting the other teams flag but got ran over by several of the shirts boys. I clapped. He ended up getting hurt so school policy I have to take him to the nurse. A bigger kid and a smaller slimmer kid watched as I took him away.

"Hey Greg! Can you come with me?" The mini Ravi called back. I turned around. The two other boys were looking at each other. The smaller one I assume to be Greg got pushed forward.

"Hey" the kid said awkwardly looking at the ground.

Blah blah blah.

The kid got a nose bleed and passed out I asked the Greg guy for his name.

"Greg Heffley."

"Not you the passed out guy."  I said pointing to the small male on the table.

"Oh uhh I don't know his name we just met."

That's when I realized he said what his last name was.

"Wait your last name is Heffley?" I asked him.

He looked scared as if he was in trouble. " Your not in trouble just your last name sounds so familiar."

"Umm you might of known my mom? I mean you look around her age." He said putting his hand behind his neck.

"OOHH Is your mom Susan Heffley?"

"Yeah I think so."

"We used to be best friends in school." I said I would love to see her again. I have to admit but I did have a small crush on her. " Can I have her number so we can meet up again?"

He looked at me questionably.
"I'm sure she would remember me." I sighed and said " I will give you no detention for all year considering your older brother."

He thought for a moment. "As long as I get a place to sit at lunch."

"I can make that happen."

Greg's POV at home:

I walked into the house mom doing the dishes. "Mom the principal at school said you might know her. Did you get any calls."

"No sorry sweetie."

"Okay uh thanks"

Susan's POV:

My cellphone went off. It was an unknown number. It could be Greg's principal. I answered and I heard a voice say.

"Hello? Is this Susan? Susan Heffley?"

It was Gray. I childhood best friend or you could say crush but they I met my husband. And back then there were a lot of homophobic people and besides I'm married.

"Hey, yeah. This is Susan. And I assume this is Gray." I blushed I little. What no stop you have a husband.

" It's so great to hear from you again. Your kid Greg has been doing good so far and it's only the first day! We should meet up some time and talk about it."

(Blah blah I don't know what to put it's 12:36 am and my brain hurts.)

Time skip to Halloween Gray POV:

Susan and I have been talking for a while now. I have been finding random excuses just to talk to her. My love wasn't gone it was just deep down in the dark pits of my soul hiding waiting to I burst out.

It was Halloween night and her kids were out and her husband was out getting toilet paper because Manny used it all trying to suffocate the toilet monster. It was just me and her.

"Um Susan. I have something to tell you. IamlesbianandIlikeyoualot sincewewerekids."

"I like you too. 🥰"

We both leaned in and - KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE DU NA DU NA DU NA DU NA.

The husband walks in and gets a divorce or you have a threesome. 🥰

Word Count : 910

I'm sorry if you've read this far

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