Walking in...

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It started with a curious lizard person, Minigrand, wandering the streets of Roblox, into a random game show. He simply walked onto the premises and thought "this looks fun" and participated. As Minigrand stumbled his way through the beginning area, he did not seek victory, he only seeked the experience, and a good time. Minigrand saw his opponents, and envisioned himself winning the crown on his first go. This thought would not stay however, as he quickly realized, he had no partner. Not having a partner!? In the duo game!? Who had heard of such a thing!?Nobody! So, as Minigrand stumbled and fumbled, he ended up losing the first game and landing in the elimination groups. Feeling very confused, he simply accepted he would lose the competition, and had given up. However, fate had given him a chance. A chance to win his safety back. The world had placed Minigrand in a small street, baron, except for a fire hydrant, and a building. He was not told what to do, however, the building caught on fire, so he had to put it out quickly. Mini ran up the stairs of the burning building, confident he could keep the fire at bay. However, by the time he got to the fire, he realized he didn't have a bucket, thus, no water. Mini quickly jumped off of the building next to his hydrant, he searched far and wide across his street, and yet couldn't seem to find one. Just minutes later, his building had collapsed, and Mini, feeling even more defeated, fell to his knees. He had been embarrassed, let alone defeated. Mini was quickly moved off to the spectating area, feeling a bit of sadness at his defeat. No tears were shed, but voices were rupturing with suspense as the other contestants were putting their buildings out, Mini sat on a bench, and relaxed his legs.
Someone quickly realized his loneliness and had starting giving their condolences, and Minigrand was glad he had at least someone to talk to, but it didn't stop his sense of defeat.

Minigrand returned to the home where all the contestants sat in anticipation.Minigrand vs 2 confident girls, who had lost the round before. The judge, BLESSED, was pleased at the votes that were turned in. Minigrand had said his goodbyes to his competitors, and had started packing his things beforehand, when... The votes were revealed.MINIGRAND WAS SAFE! HE HAD SURVIVED ELIMINATION!He got up from his seat in shock, and the other girls started hurling insults to their competitors, and the evictions had begun.Foolishly, Minigrand thought eviction just meant being taken out of the challenge. Minigrand got up from his seat, shook the loser's hands, and waved goodbye....But there were no judges. There were no bodyguards to escort. All he felt was the pick up of the wind. The wind had started to get heavier and heavier, and Mini felt as if he was being lifted off of the ground. However, it was not he who would be lifted that day.One of the girls who had been berating the competition was being lifted off the ground from a tornado! Minigrand could only watch in terror as his competitor was swooped off the ground into the roof. She was never seen again. The next girl was up, angry as ever. She was not lifted by a tornado, but instead, she was pulled by forces unknown into a door, mysteriously placed at the top of the stairs, and she was dragged into the light.The "round" was over.

The game continued. Minigrand had gone from round to round, fighting for his life, but could never win any of the next rounds. Painting the walls with your body, he had nobody to cover the extra ground. He was one of the lucky ones to not be selected that round, however, seeing those people scream in terror as their lives were taken, he was truly not trying to be eliminated anytime soon. More people had been killed in the second round, their anger seeping through their skulls, and their malice flowing freely, for the world to see. Minigrand was safe, but would his sanity be? The next round, he had simply not wanted to interrupt the other competitors as they fought, so after he made his witty comment, a joke, and some kind of statement on fashion, he sat down, with a competitor he had seen trying his best in the other rounds, a simple boy named Zoro. Zoro had been doing consistently good each game, but wasn't a top competitor against someone like BLESSED. Mini had sat next to Zoro and the two had participated in conversation, bringing up past events, their thoughts on the game, and how long they'd been trying. Zoro had apparently only played a few games before, and had a decent understanding of the rules. Zoro, who was only a boy, had to witness the violent acts committed on those people? This couldn't sit right in Mini's head. Mini thought to himself for just a moment, "Do I... have to win this?" However, the next elimination was up, and luckily, neither Zoro or Mini were called up, so they sat across from each other, and that was when the true dread settled in, The two teams on the chopping blocks begged for their lives, and one of the teams said they would make an offer nobody could turn up, however, it was all in vein, and they were swiftly carried off. Mini felt a little more relaxed than previous rounds, as he had made a friend in Zoro. Minigrand however, had no idea what the next game would offer, so he stepped into the room, and walked on stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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