Part 1

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AU: College; Idol!Sophomore!Jimin x Fan!Freshman!Jungkook

Blurb: Okay, have you seen Another Cinderella Story? The one with Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley? Yeah, this story is based on that. Jungkook and Jimin were childhood friends when Jimin was signed pretty young (like Justin Bieber young). Jungkook was left behind with his terrible step family, the only thing keeping him sane being Jimin's music. The freshman is very shy, anxious, and reserved, but he likes to post Jimin covers on SoundCloud and YouTube under the pseudonym, Anonymous. He also posts dance covers and other choreography on the channel. When Jimin decides to take a break from the idol life and go back to his roots in Busan, Jungkook is left wondering whether or not he should rekindle his friendship with his now untouchable best friend.


Park Jimin: 19, idol that decided to take a break from the limelight to try and be a regular person for a while, sophomore

Jeon Jungkook: 18, shy freshman living in a not-so-good domestic situation, Kookella, lives a double life, has a huge crush on Jimin

Min Yoongi: 21, Jimin's friend that he met as an idol, rapper, senior

Kim Seokjin: 21, Jungkook's older step-brother, vain, rich, treats Jungkook like shit, wants to get with Jimin, senior

Kim Taehyung: 19, Jungkook's older step-brother, wants to get with Jimin, sophomore

Jung Hoseok: 20, Jungkook's roommate and best friend, junior




"Hobi, what are you doing?" I laugh, pulling my bucket hat down further on my head to hide my face. "You're drawing too much attention."

He laughs and continues to dance like a maniac rather than walk like a normal person. "I'm celebrating because we're going to the student union to get some Mickey D's!"

"I don't know why you're so excited about McDonald's, but stop it." I swat at him. "You're making me anxious."

Hoseok jumps around. "How do you not know why I'm so excited?! Bitch, I'm gonna get a Big Mac, a large fry, and a large Spriiiiiiite!" He yells in his hype voice. "And you KNOW that the McDonald's Sprite be hittin' different."

I massage my temples. If we were living in a comic, I feel like all of his dialogue would be written in all caps. He's too much for me, but he's a nice roommate and gets me out of my comfort zone while making sure not to push me too hard. I'm really grateful for him.

As we get closer to the square, I notice that it's a lot more congested than usual. Hoseok isn't paying attention though, still moonwalking while facing me.

I open my mouth to try and warn him, but he crashes into someone before I can say anything.

"Hey, watch what you're doing!" A guy barks before turning around, his eyes widening when they both turn to look at each other.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Hoseok bows and the guy in front of him just gawks.

He clears his throat. "It's fine. Are you okay?"

"Yup! Never better!" My roommate giggles and the mysterious man blushes. "What's your name? I've never seen you before and I try and make it my goal to know everyone."

Brown eyes blink and the raven scratches his neck, looking Hoseok up and down. "Yoongi. My name is Min Yoongi. And yours?"

"Jung Hoseok! But you can call me Hobi!" He chirps. "So, do you know what all the commotion is about?"

A small hand wraps around Yoongi's wrist and a man about his height keels over beside him. "Yoongi. Need to go. Now." He pants, hiding himself in dark, oversize clothing, a black dad hat, and a black mask. "Someone tipped them off. Can we please get food off campus?"

"A-Are you okay?"

The trio's eyes all snap to me, making me squirm. It's the first time I've spoken for a while and I guess everyone just sort of forgot that I existed.

"I—no." Brown eyes lock with mine and I feel hit with an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. "I'm sorry to cut this meeting short, but we need to leave immediately. Yoongi, come on."

Yoongi quickly tells Hoseok to add him on Instagram as the mysterious male drags him away and they quickly enter a car and drive off.

"Th-That was weird." I stutter.

Hoseok laughs, opening Instagram. "I don't mind. That dude totally wants to break my back though."

"H-H-HOBI!" I blush brightly, covering my face.

He cackles. "You're too shy, Jungkook. We need to get you a date."

Just as I'm about to protest, we are suddenly surrounded by a pack of rabid girls and I feel like curling up. I grab Hoseok and hug onto him like my life depends on it. My eyes dart around from girl to girl, my expression bewildered. "H-Hobi, what is going on?"\

"Was that him?" A girl asks, her phone camera flashing at me as she takes a picture. "We saw him over here talking to you two."

Hobi shields me and situates my hat so they can't get any good pictures of me. "See who? What are you talking about? We're just trying to get some Mickey D's, bro."

"Him!" Another girl yells. "Park Jimin! You know, the idol!"

"Park Jimin?" My eyes widen and suddenly, I see the pair of eyes from before, this time, on a much younger face. I blush.

My Park Jimin?

I shake my head. He isn't mine. We aren't friends anymore. We fell out of touch long ago. He left to become a star in middle school and I haven't heard from him since. I have been following his career though. He really is spectacular. Busan has been a lot more popular due to his success and he's brought in a lot of money to the country. He's even popular internationally.

And I kinda-sorta-maybe have the inseeiest-teensiest crush on him. But that's beside the point. All that really matters is that Park Jimin attends the same college as me now and that I could possibly become close again.

But who am I kidding? I'm Jeon Jungkook, the socially inept fanboy who never got over his elementary crush. And he's... he's...

He's Park Jimin.

Author's Note: I'm in love with this plot, so this is going to be a mini-story. I do have ideas for a full-length version. So if you want to see it, PLEASE TELL ME. I love that movie a lot and I'd TOTALLY be down to write this story.

What did ya think?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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