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after leaving the curtisses, johnny and dlwley walk with the blond'ss arm throwne over rjonnys shoulder.


"blast it, johnny."

"damn okay."

dally loooked upset but it's good ol' dally so OBVIOUSLY he acted like he was ok but really he was brocken🥺 because he really liked that cake.

'well, i guess it woulda been better if it were johnnycakes.' he thought to himsefl. but then in real life he faceplamed SO HARD and it made johnny stilble so he was like.

" shit johny are you ok?"

johnny glared at him, "hell was that about? cake?"

dally smirker😏 and repliex

"yeah, actually," and peeked his head behind the two of them, "yours😏"

johnyny smackede daljdy in the head.

he rolled his eyes and dalalys chuckled.

"let's ride into the sunset, man" dally siggestsx.

"dally. we're walking"

'no shot' dlsy thinsk.

'he iss so stupid. what a man💚" johnny thinks.

the teeo wall on, poking soem fun at ecah other here and there.

that is, until.....

socs, i choose you! lol pokemon is really cool but if you think about isnt that kinda sad that hold them captive anyways back to the story

the socs hopped out of their very nice very shiing very beautiful very hot cars because they are rich and have nice cars. one of them walked up tot he two while thebothers waited bu the car for a fight to break put.

dally scowled at him, "what dod you want, man?"

the soc snorted. "yooooooou suspicious looking character," he said walking closer to them. "you're acting amogus bro...." he held a knife out to johnyy😧 "like really acting amongus." he pressed the knife a leeeeetttle bit deeper but not enough to cut.

in the meantime.
Dally came ip with olan. plan was not planned in orderly fashion BUT he knocked that mf out cold🤣 dont you know a rumble aint a rumble without him? lol jk this isnt a rumble anyways he stole the mfs blade and then the rest of the socs drove off.

"wow thanks daLli you are so cool."

"nno problem, kid."

and together they rode off in to the sunset😍

"we're still walking." johnynt say.

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