The Hall

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Newt and I advance down the hallway, towards the light. We walk for about a half hour, then we reach a door. I nod at Newt and silently open it, clinging onto his hand. Inside, we find a second hall. We wander down this one and find a computer, with a bunch of commands on a sticky note taped to the screen. <kill/maze> <exit:plat>\dec <box-new>/sup or sub. Strange. Newts hand is trembling. I look up at him, gently kissing his lips, being careful not to break him.
"It looks like we can leave. We can go and never come back!" I whisper.
"And can we bring everyone with us?" He asks, nuzzling my neck.
"I suppose," I grin. I look down at my watch. The doors will open soon.
"Come'on. We gotta go!" I shout, grabbing Newt's wrist and dragging him along. We run back to the Glade as fast as we can, only to find that the doors aren't open yet.
"Hmm, what d'you want to do while we wait?" Newt muses. I kiss him softly.
"Does that answer your question?" I ask. He nods.
"Request acknowledged. Processing... Request accepted," he mumbles in a robotic voice. He kisses me gently, again and again. He's sweet and calm. I kiss him in the cheek. The doors rumble, sliding open.
"Well, shuck me! They lived!" Minho cheers. All the Gladers are sitting by the door, except Gally, but he's probably off with Emily. That's when I notice: Minho has his arm wrapped around Emma. Cute. Emma's like super sassy (of course, not as sassy as Minho, no one has the power to out-sass him. Or the will. If someone did out-sass him, he'd probably break into a million little pieces then spontaneously combust), so they're like a power couple. As we run out of the the Maze, Minho releases Emma for a few moments to sweep me up in his arms and squeeze the living day lights out of me.
"Minho! I. Can't. BREATH!" I choke out. Newt rushes over and Minho passes me off to him. He carries me bridal-style and cuddles me softly. Minho re-wraps his arm around Emma as Newt sweeps me away. He carries me all the way to the homestead, then into our room. He drops me onto the bed, staring for a few seconds while an evil grin forms on his face.
"Newt?" I ask condescendingly. His grin widens. "DON'T YOU DARE!" I squeal. He pounces like a cat, jumping into me and tickling me. I laugh and laugh, squeal and shriek.
"N-Newt!!" I giggle. "STOP TICKLING ME!" He kisses my neck, directly over my throat, which just makes me laugh harder. My throat is the most ticklish part of me. I giggle myself into a fit of hiccups, and he immediately stops. He knows that I get particularly violent and painful hiccup fits, and sometimes I throw out a rib. He immediately runs-er, limps-away to get me some water. As soon as he returns, I chug the water and take a few moments to stop hiccuping.
"We should get Alby to call a gathering about the computer..." I mutter, still kinda out of it.
"Love, I'm second-in-command. I can call a gathering on my own," he laughs. I jump on him, tackling him into a hug. My dog tags get stuck in his hair and get really tangled in.
"Oh crap, sorry Newtie," I sigh, trying to detach my tags. They won't come out.
"Hmm, we may have to cut your hair..." I sigh.
"Calm down, Newtie!! I'll try to untangle it... but it may take a while, and it'll probably hurt..." I whisper.
"Maybe... maybe if you kiss me I'll be okay..." he grins. I give him a short peck on the cheek, and he pouts at me. Good god, his puppy dog pout is the cutest freaking thing and it makes you feel like he's a puppy and you just kicked him and he'll only feel better if you give him a treat. I sigh. There's really no way around this, is there? I try to peck him on the lips, but he grabs the back of my neck and holds me there, moving his lips on mine.

I-I think... I think I love him.

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