Meeting Lucian

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It was my first day on my first solo mission. I found a seat near the back of the class and started to look around. Lessons were supposed to start in 5 minutes but apparently I was early. The only other students were a girl with short blonde hair who smelled like strawberries, a boy hunched over a book, and another girl with long brown hair who was texting under the table. Suddenly someone thumped the side of my head. No human would have been able to sneak up on me like that. I turned slowly.

"Hey, new kid-- merda"

I smiled, he'd felt it.  I turned around to stare straight into his eyes and he stepped back. I opened my mouth to reply, when we were interrupted by the strawberry girl.

"Oh. My GOSH!!!! Your eyes are absolutely fab!!! Are those contacts? They look gorgeous! Where did you get them? It so suits you! You look awesome! Absolutely FANTABULOUS!!"I groaned inwardly and turned to give the girl a pleasant smile.

"Grazie, madam. Your radiant smile is no match for my dull little eyes." The girl giggled hideously loud and twirled her hair around her finger and I turned my attention back to my visitor, whose expression was changing slowly from disbelief, to horrified recognition.

 "Now, I believe you were saying something?" I sneered.

 "G-g- get out of my seat." The boy's face was pale.

The class had finally filled up and the bell rung, indicating the beginning of class. An elderly man in a tweed suit set his briefcase down on the desk up front and began writing lesson plans on the board. 

"Alright ladies and gentleman, take your seats and quiet down." The man, Mr. Gionelli, as he had written on the board, turned to address the class. 

"Mr. Holloway is there a reason you have yet to find your seat?" The gravelly voice inquired. I glanced up to see that Lucian was still rooted in his spot, staring at me.

"Um, n-no. Sorry, Mr. G." Lucian shuffled into the seat in front of me and Mr. Gionelli tilted his head to look at me. 

"Welcome young sir"" A curious expression crossed his face, just for a moment, but then it was gone. A few students glanced back to see what he was talking about, ut no one seemed to care much about my presence except Strawberry.

"Now class, today, we're talking about mythical creatures in history. Open your books to the page on the board and prepare for notes. Marissa, read the first paragraph, please."

As class started, I couldn't help but notice Lucian tapping his pencil against his desk and bouncing his leg. I leaned forward in my seat and whispered in his ear, "Nervoso?" Lucian's leg jerked, knocking his book onto the floor.  A blue haired girl in the front of the class stopped reading to glare back at Lucian. Mr. Gionelli cleared his throat and Marissa continued. I smirked leaned back in my seat to take  out a pencil, ready for notes.                                                                                      


School was uninteresting after the encounter with Lucian in Mythology. I was beginning to resent Silas for sticking me with this mission as I exited the building at the end of the day. Just as I was about to turn off campus, I heard someone call to me. I turned around and waited for him to catch up.

"What's your name?" Lucian growled

"Alexander." I answered simply.

"Don't play dumb with me!" He yelled, shoving me roughly. I didn't budge.

"Alright. Alessandro." I regarded him with cool indifference. He was too young, too reckless. He was barely concealing the red behind his eyes, immature kid, I thought.

 "Look Alessandro" he spat with extra emphasis on the 'o', "you better leave. Like, now. I'm serious this is my territory and I'm not scared of you."

I laughed out loud. "You're not? Ballsy, very ballsy. Face it you know what's going to happen. Honestly, I would rather it not happen, I could help you actually. Arrange for a nice funeral, a car crash, or a hiking accident. Something heroic maybe?" I teased.


"This is no way to treat a new student Lucian" I scolded. The boy in front of me was seething. His eyes were completely red, most of his self-control thrown to the wind. Slowly, I stanced, ready for an encounter.

"YOOOHOO!!!!! Hi there golden eyes! Is that you?" Merda, it was that girl from Mythology class. I really didn't want to deal with her fairy-like personality. 

"Well, I'll see you. Lucian. Really soon." I stood straight and walked away from the school grounds feeling Lucian's eyes on my back.



So, It's been almost 2 years since I first started this story. I've grown a lot as a person and a writer and decided to come back to what I feel is a good concept, written poorly. Hopefully, I can fix it up and do the characters some justice. I have also decided to start another story, completely different from WAMH. Neither of the stories will have a set update time or anything like that. I'm not even sure of people will read my works so I don't want to get too ahead of myself. I'm trying to juggle high school, college, work, and life, so don't expect to see a new chapter every week. Thank you in advance though if you even open my little story.

Stay Classy,

L.P xxx

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