Chapter I {ep 1}

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You get ready to find your missing group of friends that went missing at your old high school. It's been years since they went missing but you have hopes to find them. You are too afraid to search alone so you decide to go with your friends...

                                 ~~~~~~~~~~   At the School ~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 You arrive at the old school.. "I remember the old days.." says your best friend. "Yeah.." You reply. You and your friends try to find an open door but it all seems to be locked.. until your friend screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!". Everyone rushes to see what happened. . . . There was a door and behind it was bloody footprints that has seem to be fresh..??

 You decide to go in.. There was a weird smell coming from the.... gym..?

 Your best friend decides to go in the gym and they found more blood footprints, Everyone decides to follow them.. The footprints led to the pool..? The footprints ended at the pool, The pool had a dirty mucky green-brown colour. "ew" one of your friends says.

 You get this strange feeling that someone is watching you.. It scared you so much that you ran into what seems to be a tool shed. But went you opened the door.. there weren't any tools there but it seems to be a summoning circle. You ran out of there in shock of what happened.

Your friends decide to check this "tool shed". When they were investigating they found.... a key?

"why would a key be here?"  They pick up the key and started to open every. single. door with it. Until one door opened.. It led to a weird place.. with a Sakura tree in the middle..

               "Why would a beautiful Sakura tree be doing here?"

 End of episode 1 

episode 2 coming soon! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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