Hello Stream- Niki?!?

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(this is all for shiggles, enjoy)

Blue POV

Streaming, everyone does it now a days but not everyone gets big like me. Me and my buddy Ranboo were friends way before he blew up. we
were always just online buds and we drifted apart just before he got big. i'm happy for him. i'm proud of him.

but i'm also glad of what I have accomplished. A large but not too big following on everything including tumbler. but I don't every go on their anymore I just have it from like 3 years ago.

april 17, 2021
I moved to the USA cause my single dad parent got a job over there. I mean I kinda grew up in the UK enough to have an accent. so ppl think i'm from there all the time. 

On this fateful day I started up stream and I was doing my thing until one of my mods told me I had a special watcher waiting me. and it was Niki. popular streamer, Niki. I was very excited but I didn't say anything until she spoke I chat and said hi.
we chatted threw chat sence it wa so retry dead other han her and a few regulars.

I ended stream later that night I saw a DM from Niki and she compliment my stream and how well I handled hate comments and people beating mean. we started up conformation and we ended up planning a video we could do together on my YT new chanel.

and that's how it started. the start of my journey to reconnect with that lovely basic son of a bitch ranboo. life good.

(starter/tester. . . turned out will for a first write in a bit)

Ranboo x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now