Chapter 2

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As your sleeping Mason and Declan are talking downstairs

Mason:Is y/n okay 

Declan: She told me she just wasn't feeling herself today

Mason: Ahh right i will go get her some stuff from us my PS4 is upstairs in my room and you can stay over if you want.

Declan: sure bro 

Your POV: I overhear Declan and Mason and i hear Mason leaving to go get me things and i hear Declan coming upstairs and i think to myself and i instantly start to get a bit nervous as i kind of like him so i am hoping he doesn't come in. 

Mason's POV: When Declan tells me y/n isn't feeling herself i instantly feel like a terrible brother to her and the one way i could make it up to her is by getting her some things that i know she enjoys so i go to the shop and buy her some things.

Declans POV: When i tell Mason about Y/n i know he feels like a terrible brother and that he feels like he could do better when he is doing great but as his best friend i have to tell him that so when he gets back i will but i also feel like i like his sister but i know she has a boyfriend.

TO BE CONTINUED.............................................................................

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