Chapter 1.

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I won't accept leaving this world with nothing to remember. If you live your life doing nothing, what's the point of living? No one was born to do nothing with their life. Everybody has a purpose, and living like that is a waste of a life. A waste of your time.

Which is why I've devoted my life to the art of photography.

I guess you could say that I find beauty in simple things. The simplicity of a simple object just makes it more beautiful. I take pictures all the time, so I carry a camera with me 24/7. People find it odd, but they respect my passion towards it. I take pictures because I want to remember everything. You can't rely on your brain to give you memories, but a picture can.

A picture is worth a thousand words after all.

The best part about photography is that there's no wrong or right answer. If I took a picture of a leaf and asked you what you think of when you see it, you could say whatever you wanted to about it. It's your view, it's how you see. I can't change the way you see something.

I live in Rockston, Nevada. (AN: made up lol) It's a cliche town that's barely on the map, yady, yady, yada. But what I like about it is the fact that it gives me so much inspiration. Las Vegas is about 4 hours away, so if I lived there, I wouldn't find much to take pictures of. It's a famous city, so everybody else has already taken pictures of everything. In Rockston, I'm pretty much the only photographer in town, so I get to take pictures whenever I want and wherever I want.

Today I was walking along the road that leads straight to the highway. I was heading towards the woods today, looking for more natural things to see. I haven't been able to go out into the woods as often because of all the raining that's been going on lately. It's weird, suddenly it's starting to rain more often than it has ever before, and that's saying something seeing as Nevada is the driest state in the U.S.

I like the rain mostly because it brings such an art afterwards. All the raindrops on things, and puddles littering the road, it sort of makes me giddy.

I found the broken fence that has it's own invitation to the woods, and crawled under the space. It left a scrape on my thigh but that pretty much happens every time I make a visit to the woods, so I hardly feel it anymore. I walked through the tall brown grass that has been dead since the beginning of the summer. My feet made a soft crunch on the ground as they took me into the forest.

Every time I go in the woods, I try to stick to the path just in case I get lost. I always dare myself to go further because there could be so much more to take photos of, but I don't want to risk it. I have mazeophobia, the fear of being lost. But if I did get lost, it'd be a great memory to keep.

Tall trees loomed over me like giants as I walked on the path. I breathed in the natural smell that never ceases to make me smile. I took a few pictures of moss and raindrops on leaves, but I was having trouble finding something really worth remembering. I needed to find something great.

Just then I heard a small snap behind me. I didn't believe someone was following me, but you never know. I turned around, ready to fight if necessary, but I was only being followed by a mule deer. It stood staring at me from less than 6 feet away. I gasped.

"Hi there," I whispered. It stepped forward a bit and continued to look at me. I was confused. I found it odd that it hadn't sprinted away and hadn't looked back, but this is such a nice surprise that I'm glad he hasn't.

"Do you mind if I take a picture of you, bud?" I asked softly. It didn't do much but stare back at me. I giggled lightly as I raised my camera to my face. "I'll take that as a yes, then." It didn't even flinch as I snapped 6 shots. I was very surprised because every dear I've ever seen has took one look at me and ran away, so I've never gotten a shot.

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